
In: Computer Science

Python is a great tool for automating a number of tasks, including scanning and summarizing the...

Python is a great tool for automating a number of tasks, including scanning and summarizing the files in a file system.

Write a Python class, FileAnalyzer that given a directory name, searches that directory for Python files (i.e. files ending with .py). For each .py file, open each file and calculate a summary of the file including:

  • the file name
  • the total number of lines in the file
  • the total number of characters in the file
  • the number of Python functions (lines that begin with ‘def ’, including methods inside class definitions)
  • the number of Python classes (lines that begin with ‘class ’)

Generate a summary report with the directory name, followed by a tabular output that looks similar to the following:

The class FileAnalyzer should have at least these attributes and these methods listed below:

  • Attributes:
    • self.files_summary: dict, a Python dictionary that store the summarized data for the given file path. The keys of dictionary will be the filename of a python file, the value of each key will be a dict as well. The value dictionary will have 4 key-value pairs that represent 4 data points we collect for each file. The structure of self.files_summarywill look like below:
    '': {
        'class': # number of classes in the file
        'function': # number of functions in the file
        'line': # number of lines in the file
        'char': # number of characters in the file
    }, ...
  • Methods:
    • self.analyze_files(self): a method that populate the summarized data into self.files_summary. Note that you MUST NOT pass any argument to this method, the given directory path is better stored as an attribute - there will be no naming requirement for this variable but I personally use
    • self.pretty_print(self): a method that print out the pretty table from the data stored in the self.files_summary. Note that you MUST NOT pass any argument, other than self, to this method.

Note: Your should execute the self.analyze_files in the self.__init__ but you MUST NOTexecute the self.pretty_print in the self.__init__, you will get 10 points deducted if you do so.

Keep in mind that you may see a file, but you may not be able to read it. In that case, raise a FileNotFound exception if the specified file can’t be opened for reading

Your program should use exceptions to protect the program against unexpected events.

The PrettyTable module (Links to an external site.) provides an easy way to create tables for output. You should use PrettyTable to format your table. See the lecture notes for an example.

You’ll need to think about how to test this program with unittest. You do not need to automatically verify the output from the table but you should validate the various numeric values, e.g. number of classes, functions, lines, and characters. Your automated test should validate the counts for each file in the test directory.


  1. Python’s os module has several helpful functions, e.g. os.listdir(directory) lists all of the files in the specified directory. Note that the file names returned by os.listdir do NOTinclude the directory name.
  2. os.chdir(directory) will change the current directory to the specified directory when your program runs.
  3. Be sure to handle the cases where the user enters an invalid directory name
  4. Test your code against the sample files in Canvas
  5. Be sure to use unittest to test your program and follow the PEP-8 coding standards.


Expert Solution


1) Python 3.x is used to execute the code

2) Python modules os, re and prettytable are installed in the python version been used.



# ./

CODE to copy:

import os

import re

from prettytable import PrettyTable

class FileAnalyzer:

        def __init__(self):

                # declare the global dictionary to store the values

                self.files_summary = {}

                # directory to scan files for

       = "/home/vsaurabh/analyzer"

                # call the method to start scanning the files


        def analyze_files(self):

                # walk through the given directory

                for root, dir, files in os.walk(

                        # check for each file

                        for file in files:

                                # check if the given file ends wiht .py extension

                                if file.endswith(".py"):

                                        # get the absolute path for the file

                                        myfile = root + "/" + file

                                      # declare required variables

                                        characters = 0

                                        lines = 0

                                        classes = 0

                                        definition = 0


                                                # read the file for requried data

                                                with open(myfile, 'r') as frb:

                                                        for line in frb:

                                                                # increment the no of line count

                                                                lines = lines + 1

                                                                # increment the no of characters count

                                                                characters = characters + len(line)

                                                                # check if given line is a class directive

                                                                if line.startswith("class"):

                                                                        # if yes, increment the counter

                                                                        classes = classes + 1

                                                                # check if given line is a function directive

                                                                if re.match('\s.*def|def', line):

                                                                        # if yes, increment the counter

                                                                        definition = definition + 1

                                                # if the file scanned is not found as a key in dictionary

                                                # add the filename as a key into the dictionary                                               if file not in self.files_summary:

                                                        # declare a nested dictionary for the respective key

                                                        self.files_summary[file] = {}

                                                # add values for the other paramters required to be stored

                                                self.files_summary[file]['class'] = classes

                                                self.files_summary[file]['function'] = definition

                                                self.files_summary[file]['line'] = lines

                                                self.files_summary[file]['char'] = characters

                                        except (FileNotFoundError):

                                                # Error is a filename is not found

                                                print("Wrong file or file path: %s" %myfile)

                                        except PermissionError:

                                                # Raise in case the file is not accessible

                                                print("Cannot open file : %s" %myfile)

                # call the function to print the dictionary


        def pretty_print(self):

                # declare a pretty table object

                x = PrettyTable()

                # add headers to the table

              x.field_names = ["Filename", "classes", "definition", "lines", "characters"]

                # for each key, value pair in dictionary add a row in the table

                for key,value in self.files_summary.items():

                        data = []



                # print the final table


if __name__ == "__main__":

        # instantiate the class to trigger _init_

        obj = FileAnalyzer()

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