In: Economics
According to the Equal Employment Opportunity Commission (EEOC), sexual harassment can be of two types-
1. Quid Pro Quo
2. Hostile Work Environment
Under the Quid Pro Quo, A supervisor asks for sexual favour in return for some type of employment benefits from other employees An example for this would be when a manager asks for sexual favour from a team member in return for giving them a good rating in the review cycle.
Under the Hostile Work Environment, a person working in a company gets involved in making sexual comments, jokes, advices which in turn disturbs the other employee and impacts the work of that employee. An example can be a person sending or telling sexual jokes or stories to other person.
The necessary steps to avoid misconduct at the workplace are-
1. The organisation should promote a supportive and open culture where the employees feel safe to talk about things which they find are wrong
2. There should be strong anti harrasement policies and those who are found guilty must be given a strict punishment so that it acts as an example for others as well.
3. Promote good practices with the help of guests, social workers and experts.
4. Keep taking regular feedback from the employees. In case a person feels unfcomfortable in directly addressing the issue, these feedbacks can help in that case.