In: Biology
Answer: Fishing is a word meant for catching fishes. Sometimes it is implied for a hobby or sport. But when it is implied for commercial purpose it becomes a global industry. When it is taken up as professional fishing it involves catching, processing and selling of fishes to fulfil the commercial demand(as food and for medicinal purpose). Fishing is a global industry and millions of people depend on this industry for their livelihood. But on the other hand, this industry had a negative impact on the environment. The marine ecosystem is badly affected by the overfishing and techniques used during the fishing process. The reduced population of fishes, destruction of habitat and water pollution are main concerns.
CAUSES: The overfishing and the techniques used during commercial fishing process are the reasons for this negative impact on the environment. These techniques include bottom trawling(dragging), blast fishing and cyanide fishing and so on.
EFFECTS: Commercial fishing techniques are creating an ecosystem and vegetative system hazards resulting in food chain disruption. Whether on land or in the water this type of disturbances results in migration or elimination of handicapped species. Recently, we have seen millions of turtles on the sea beaches in Orissa, India and it is a scene which had been not witnessed for a long time. It is an indication of ecosystem disturbance which was prevalent in the past. It is an indicator of what we have done to the ecosystem in the past.
Bottom trawling alone is responsible for up to 95% of global ocean damage. It is the most destructive technique resulting in the disruption of coral species(habitat for deep sea-dwelling species). It creates dead zones at the sea beds(no oxygen and no sunlight access). Other techniques like blast and cyanide fishing include explosives to kill numerous fishes also disrupt marine habitat and cause water pollution.
Overfishing reduces the fish population to below the dangerously low-level results in marine ecosystem disturbance. The reduced population provokes industries to use more intense techniques to fulfil their commercial target. These intense techniques affect the marine ecosystem very badly.
Bycatch is a negative consequence of commercial fishing. During the course of commercial fishing, many non-targeted species are also caught.
SOLUTION: The invention of less destructive techniques, implementation of laws and policies to reduce negative impact are the key players.