
In: Operations Management

You have just begun a new stage in your career—you have been hired to be the...

You have just begun a new stage in your career—you have been hired to be the Human Resources (HR) Manager for Berkley Innovative Technologies. Upon meeting the CEO, she described how the company’s workforce demographics have changed substantially over the past two decades. Previous HR managers, along with many supervisors, have mostly been Caucasian males ranging in age between 50s and early 60s, and typically from a Judeo-Christian background. The CEO also indicated that workplace strife has been steadily increasing, and her team is concerned that it may be related to the changing demographics in the workforce.

The CEO has tasked you with creating an educational manual to be utilized in training the existing front-line supervisors. This will be followed with sensitivity training to help all employees understand the complexities of the changing workforce and what it means for the future.

Diversity Training Manual: Part I (2–3 pages)

Part I of the training manual should address the following:

  • Title page
  • Table of contents
  • Part I is to be titled: Introduction to Diversity and Demographics in the Workforce
  • Begin your manual with a brief explanation of each form of discrimination (religion, race, gender, age, and immigrant vs. native-born) as it relates to the workplace.
  • Part 1 will conclude with information on the sections below regarding the demographics of the U.S. population:
    • Sections:
      • Current statistics
      • Recent trends
      • Forecasted trends
    • Information for this question can be located using some or all of the Web sites listed below. You are not limited to the resources provided and may use additional outside materials for this section if needed. Be sure to properly cite all work.
      • Web site 1
      • Web site 2
      • Web site 3
      • Web site 4
  • Then, address the following information as it relates to diversity in the workforce:
    • The customs and values of 2 of the largest minority races or religions in the workforce (e.g., the dramatic increase in the Hispanic and Muslim percentage of the workforce)
    • The need for sensitivity to their differing values and customs
    • Legislation affecting supervisor regulations relating to these groups

Diversity Training Manual: Part II (1–2 pages)

As the new HR Manager, you are now ready to complete the next section of the diversity training manual that is targeted at making your workforce supervisors more aware of current racial diversity issues, explaining how the supervisors should address them. The goal of this section is to supply information to reduce potential tensions in the workplace among a racially diverse body of employees.

Part II is to be titled: Historical Issues of Different Races in the Workplace and How to Handle Them

  • This section should discuss the following:
    • Racial diversity in the workforce now and how it will look in the future, based on the U.S. population's racial demographic changes
    • Specific issues that create tensions in the workplace between different groups
    • How leaders and supervisors need to address these potential issues
      • Potential areas of focus for this part could include, but are not limited to, the following:
        • Adopting a more diverse definition of diversity
        • Using technology such as AI to avoid unconscious bias
        • Sourcing candidates with nontraditional credentials
        • Testing diversity initiatives with data
        • Standardizing the interview process to reduce bias

Diversity Training Manual: Part III (2–3 pages)

The CEO indicated that gender issues are also of great concern for her in moving the company forward. With an overwhelming amount of men at the company, she wants to avoid any potential gender issues when writing job requirements, hiring employees, and interactions in the workplace. For this section, specifically address these 3 gender issues, and provide suggestions as to how to raise the sensitivity of all supervisors regarding these issues. Be certain to address concerns such as: Can the supervisor hand out work assignments that he or she feels are better suited to different genders? Can he or she write a job requirement that only one gender can meet, such as a strength requirement?

Part III is to be titled: Overcoming Gender Issues in the Workforce

  • This section of the manual must, at a minimum, address the following information:
    • A few general facts about the U.S. population's gender mix and the gender mix found in notable segments of the workforce
      • Make sure to include all sources of information.
    • Address the 3 gender issues raised by the CEO, and provide suggestions on how to raise the sensitivity of all supervisors regarding these issues.
    • The essence and applicability of the landmark Griggs v. Duke Power case dealing with stated job requirements should be addressed
      • Click here to read the Griggs v. Duke Power case.
    • Describe state minimum job requirements when requesting new employees to be hired into the department
    • Explain how the supervisor might communicate to his or her department (of all male employees) when a female is about to become part of the work team


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Diversity training manual: overview

The whole deal achievement of any business requires a various gathering of capacity that can bring new musings, perspectives and viewpoints to their work. The test that contrasting qualities positions, thusly, is engaging your boss to benefit by the mix of sexual introductions, social establishments, ages and lifestyles to respond to business open entryways more rapidly and imaginatively. Leverage of a different workforce is the ability to exploit the various endowments which agents from different establishments, perspectives, limits and cripples pass on to the workplace. An extraordinary outline of this is found on the business cards of delegates at one Fortune 100 advancement association. Agents at this association have business cards that appear to be normal at first look. On closer examination, the raised Braille characters of delegate information are clear. Various associations, in any case, still face challenges around building a varying area. Some portion of the reason is the inclination to sort laborers, placing them in a substitute storage facility in perspective of their varying qualities profile.(pewforum)

Part I:

It's trademark that weights will rise among individuals in a varying workforce, so it's fundamental for managers to have contrasts organization approaches set up. Most far reaching affiliations have figured out how to progress grouped qualities care and cognizance. These varying qualities exercises add to a positive work environment that is free from partition. We should look at a rate of the specific issues that develop among the different social affairs in the workforce. (Lindenberger)

Race and Ethnicity –

Racial and ethnic minorities may have exchange perspectives, conventions, or approaches to manage correspondence in the workplace. These qualifications can act challenges for affiliations that search for fitting delegate relations. Such challenges can be tended to through appropriate planning and guideline.

Sexual orientation –

Ladies have since quite a while prior endeavored to get square with pay for essentially indistinguishable work and to evacuate the unreasonable impediment, an imperceptible limit that keeps women and diverse minorities out of the top authoritative positions. Women furthermore confront sex partition and unseemly conduct, i.e. lustful signals or other unwelcome conduct of a sexual sort. Yet much progress has been made to prevent such lead, there is still a prerequisite for get ready and preparing.

Socioeconomics are the qualities of a human masses. This information is routinely used by little business visionaries to lead inquire about into where openings exist within their business division and in making legitimate business and displaying methods to target customers. Use the quantifiable resources underneath to offer you some help with discovering extra about the U.S. masses and uncover information that can be used as a piece of your business investigation tries.

Part II:

The U.S. masses is depended upon to grow more bit by bit in future decades than it did in the before century. In any case, the total people of 319 million in 2014 is foreseen to accomplish the 400 million edge in 2051 and 417 million in 2060.

Around the time the 2020 Census is coordinated, the greater part of the nation's children are depended upon to be a bit of a minority race or ethnic social event. This degree is depended upon to continue growing so that by 2060, just 36 percent of all adolescents (people under age 18) will be single-race non-Hispanic white, differentiated and 52 percent today.

The U.S. masses when all is said in done is depended upon to take after a practically identical example, getting the chance to be larger part minority in 2044. The minority people is expected to climb to 56 percent of the total in 2060, differentiated and 38 percent in 2014.

While one improvement would be come to by the 2020 Census, another will be expert by the 2030 Census: all individuals conceived after WW2 will have accomplished age at least 65 set up (this will truly occur in 2029). Hence, in that year, one-in-five Americans would be at least 65 set up, up from one in seven in 2014.(COHN)

Historical Issues of Different Races in the Workplace and How to Handle Them.

As showed by the U.S. Insights Bureau, in 2014 there were more than 20 million children under 5 years old living in the U.S., and 50.2 percent of them were minorities. People who recognized their child as white with Hispanic cause were the greatest minority, making up 22 percent of the 19.9 million children under age 5, trailed by African American children, who make up 15 percent. At this moment, the Census considers Hispanic not a race yet rather an ethnic establishment. Hispanics can be of any race, and Hispanic root is asked on Census outlines in a request isolate from the one about race. Regardless, some say that the way the measurements counts who fits in with which racial social event is flawed. "The enrollment encounters twofold considering," Professor Richard Alba of City University of New York said in a phone meeting. "A couple of people are both, prevailing part and minority."

For an expansive segment of U.S. history, the white masses has been viewed as "standard" society, with sociologists seeing the ingestion of outcasts and ethnic minorities as subject to their determination of its technique forever. Not inadvertently, whites were the numerically overpowering racial assembling in the United States in the midst of that same time. Be that as it may, whites' residency as America's standard people is on the slow down, in a statistic sense. The most recent information from the assessment and elsewhere shows how quickly the development is occurring.(usnews)

Making effective conflict assurance bent sets are an indispensable piece of a building a reasonable arrangement of activity. Unverifiable conflict every now and again brings about loss of productivity, the covering of imaginativeness and the making of deterrents to cooperation and facilitated exertion. Perhaps specifically for pioneers, awesome conflict assurance limit squares with extraordinary specialist support. Pioneers who don't oversee battle will over the long haul watch their extraordinary capacity leave the gateway searching for a more beneficial and more secure workplace.While battle is a run of the mill some portion of any social and various leveled setting, the trial of dispute lies by they way one oversees it. Covered up, avoided or by and large ignored, conflict will presumably rot just to form into abhor, make withdrawal or cause factional infighting within an affiliation.

Typology of race made in the midst of early racial science has fallen into disregard, and the social improvement of race or racialization is an altogether more normal technique for perception racial characterizations. As showed by this school of thought, race is not naturally identifiable. On the other hand possibly, certain get-togethers get the opportunity to be radicalized through a social procedure that stamps them for unequal treatment in perspective of saw physiological complexities. Right when considering skin shading, for example, the social improvement of race perspective sees that the relative murkiness or sensibility of skin is a transformative change in accordance with the open light in different areas of the world. Contemporary beginnings of race, thus, which tend to be established on money related doubts, illuminate how far removed front line race perception is from characteristic qualities.

Part III:

Grouped qualities are significantly more than skin shading, sex, or establishment. It's inside and outside. Skin shading is the delayed consequence of the level of shade in our skin; it's a natural event. It doesn't choose how we think, feel, or acknowledge. Sexual introduction is sporadic quality decision; we had no chance to get out. It doesn't pick our targets, desires, or occupations. As youths, we get some answers concerning morals, qualities, and religious feelings. In any case, these may be relearned, changed, and adjusted through the traverse of our lives. Each of us is different from various perspectives - picked and sporadic — and each of us passes on various qualities to the workforce and the world when all is said in done. People express confidence in an extensive variety of courses: through tone and volume of voice, movements, physical size and act, and by what they say. As you may figure, assorted people express unmistakable levels of decisiveness. A man who talks hi a high, sensitive voice while looking ground would be viewed as less decided than a man who stands straight, takes a gander at a man without jumping, and talks boisterously.(duPont)

In Griggs, LDF addressed a social event of thirteen African-American delegates who worked at the Duke Power Company's Dan River Steam Station, a drive creating office arranged in Draper, North Carolina. Duke Power had a long history of secluding delegates by race. At the Steam Station, the best businesses were put something aside for whites. African-Americans were committed to the work division, where the most liberally remunerated worker earned not precisely the slightest paid agent in the other four workplaces where just whites worked. The District Court had found that while the Company as of now adopted after a strategy of unmistakable racial detachment in a period before the Act, such lead had ceased. The District Court furthermore assumed that was wanted to be up and coming just and, therefore, the impact of prior variations was past the compass of medicinal movement affirmed by the Act.(naacpldf)

Boss must treat all agents and competitors dependably and comparably, without regard to their race, shading, religion, sexual introduction, national beginning stage or whatever different traits that are secured under law. Directors are not to build any business decisions concerning these secured characteristics, can't deny opportunities to a person in light of their qualities, and can't counter against an agent. Administrators are to treat all delegates deliberately and avoid undesirable/unwelcomed lead that constitutes provocation.(yourerc)

Part IV:

Communication of supervisor with the department-

correspondence capacities – whether verbal or created – are focus abilities expected in every practical sense any position within the workplace. The ability to talk with agents at each level in the affiliation is especially indispensable for chiefs who need to upgrade office operations and the execution and effectiveness of the specialists under their supervision.

Meets and recommends for contract; briefs and arranges new delegates; conducts at work and classroom instructional courses; controls each day works out; completions execution appraisals, exhorts laborers and realizes therapeutic exercises; underwrites specialist arrange trade requests. Regulates and staffs in the receipt and transmission of messages on correspondences equipment.

Explanation of the Civil Rights Act, Title VII 1964 legislation-

To maintain the hallowed ideal to vote, to present ward upon the zone courts of the United States to give injunctive mitigation against isolation transparently lodging, to endorse the legal advisor General to establishment suits to secure ensured rights out in the open workplaces and government financed guideline, to grow the Commission on Civil Rights, to balance partition in legislatively helped ventures, to set up a Commission on Equal Employment Opportunity, and for various purposes. The expression "work affiliation" suggests a work affiliation involved with an industry impacting exchange, and any administrators of such an affiliation, and consolidates any relationship of any kind, any office, or laborer portrayal board, get-together, alliance, or plan so possessed with which agents share and which exists for the reason, in whole or to some degree, of overseeing organizations concerning grievances, work address, remuneration, rates of pay, hours, or distinctive terms or conditions of business, and any meeting, general counseling gathering, joint or system board, or joint advisory group so associated with which is subordinate to a national or worldwide work affiliation.

Part V:

Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964 is an administration law that blocks supervisors from deceiving laborers on the commence of sex, race, shading, national origin, and religion. It all around applies to organizations with at least 15 delegates, including chose, state, and neighborhood governments. Title VII in like manner applies to private and open schools and universities, work workplaces, and work affiliations.

Notwithstanding Title VII's area an expansive segment of a century earlier, sexual introduction and race isolation in the workplace is still a troublesome issue. For the possibility that you have inquiries regarding isolation in the workplace, or in case you believe you have gone up against unlawful partition at work, this benefit will kick you off.(eeoc)

Affirmative actions-

Today, the Civil Rights Act of 1964 has far reaching importance for each and every racial minoritie, religious affiliations, and women. The bill has a couple of obtainments, yet the most basic for associations is alluded to comprehensively as "Title VII." It applies to organizations with more than fifteen laborers. It wipes out business partition on the preface of





Any showing of detachment on any of these bases is unlawful. These showings may be a refusal to enroll, a discharge or end, a temporary reduction or protection, compensation, an open entryway for movement, or some other term or condition of employment. For example, supervisors are not permitted to keep up all-white or all-dim work gathers paying little respect to the way that they can demonstrate that doing in that capacity is valuable for business or affirmation. Title VII also restricts showings of striking back against any person who protests about, or partakes in, any business isolation dissent. Organizations ought to be to a great degree wary about this obtainment, in light of the fact that while the business may be immaculate of the foremost charge of isolation, making any resulting move after an agent has protested can be an alternate charge of separation.(cornell)

Initial intent of Affirmative-Action legislation

The new law was in generous area a response to an important 1989 Supreme Court choosing that disintegrated agents' ability to successfully sue their chiefs for isolation. Reestablishing some of this limit and adding better ways to deal with sue organizations, the 1991 CRA is by and large seen as an essential obliteration of corporate side interests concering detachment indictment.

Disregarding social or political strategies for understanding, various consider the 1991 law a mistake on sober minded and concentrated grounds. Regardless of the way that it tried to make a solid collection of rules to support the benchmarks articulated in the 1964 law, the 1991 CRA was damaged by the factious regulatory methods from which it happened as expected. In this way, the law enunciated contradicting norms and sketchy definitions with the objective that courts have once in a while imagined that it was difficult to execute even its obviously communicated targets.

The components provoking the passage of the Civil Rights Act of 1991 were as sketchy and astounding as the law itself. Before 1964, the principle real social equity order to radiate from Congress was the post-Civil War Civil Rights Act of 1866, Title 42 of United States Code, Section 1981, which was consistently refered to and refered to in the practical exchanges enveloping the 1991 showing. (eeoc)

This case shows a test to the special certifications arrangement of the competitor, the Medical School of the University of California at Davis, which is expected to ensure the affirmation of a predefined number of understudies from certain minority groups. The Superior Court of California upheld respondent's test, holding that hopeful's venture mishandled the California Constitution, Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 42 U.S.C. Sec. 2000d et seq., and the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. The court requested applicant from considering respondent's race or the race of whatever other hopeful in settling on assertions decisions. It won't, regardless, to demand respondent's admission to the Medical School, holding that he had not passed on his weight of exhibiting that he would have been surrendered however for the secured and statutory encroachment. The Supreme Court of California demanded those parts of the trial court's judgment announcing the excellent certifications program unlawful and encouraging specialist from considering the race of any competitor. It changed that parcel of the judgment denying respondent's requested mandate and guided the trial court to demand his attestation.

For the reasons communicated in the going with evaluation, I assume that such a lot of the judgment of the California court as holds candidate's exceptional affirmations program unlawful and organizes that respondent be admitted to the Medical School must be declared. For the reasons imparted in an alternate evaluation, my Brothers THE CHIEF JUSTICE, Mr. Value STEWART, Mr. Value REHNQUIST and Mr. Value STEVENS concur in this judgment.(cornell)

Landmark Bakke v. Regents case

This case exhibits a test to the unique affirmations system of the candidate, the Medical School of the University of California at Davis, which is intended to guarantee the confirmation of a predefined number of understudies from certain minority bunches. The Superior Court of California supported respondent's test, holding that candidate's project abused the California Constitution, Title VI of the Civil Rights Act of 1964, 42 U.S.C. Sec. 2000d et seq., and the Equal Protection Clause of the Fourteenth Amendment. The court ordered candidate from considering respondent's race or the race of whatever other candidate in settling on affirmations choices. It won't, in any case, to request respondent's admission to the Medical School, holding that he had not conveyed his weight of demonstrating that he would have been conceded however for the protected and statutory infringement. The Supreme Court of California insisted those parts of the trial court's judgment proclaiming the exceptional affirmations program unlawful and urging solicitor from considering the race of any candidate. It changed that partition of the judgment denying respondent's asked for directive and guided the trial court to request his affirmation.

For the reasons expressed in the accompanying assessment, I trust that such a large amount of the judgment of the California court as holds applicant's extraordinary confirmations program unlawful and coordinates that respondent be admitted to the Medical School must be avowed. For the reasons communicated in a different assessment, my Brothers THE CHIEF JUSTICE, Mr. Equity STEWART, Mr. Equity REHNQUIST and Mr. Equity STEVENS agree in this judgment.(cornell)

(1) to maintain a strategic distance from or to remove from its enlistment, or for the most part to mistreat, any person in light of his race, shading, religion, sex, or national beginning stage;

(2) to most remote point, separate, or portray its enlistment or possibility for support, or to gathering or miss the mark or decay to imply for work any individual, in any way which would deny or tend to prevent any individual from securing employment openings, or would most extreme such business open entryways or by and large ominously impact his status as a delegate or as a contender for livelihood, therefore of such individual's race, shading, religion, sex, or national beginning stage; or

(3) to achieve or attempt to realize a business to mislead a man encroaching

Consequences of certifiable activities

The highlight is on condition: legislative strategy in regards to minorities in the public eye ventures are expected to separate obstructions, both unmistakable and imperceptible, to even the odds, and to guarantee everyone is offered a proportional relief. They are not planned to guarantee measure up to comes to fruition - but instead proceed on the sound judgment imagined that if decency of chance were a reality, African Americans, women, people with ineptitudes and distinctive get-togethers standing up to isolation would be truly addressed in the nation's work control and educational establishments.

The common contention over legislative strategy in regards to minorities in the public eye diagrams a philosophical hole, secluding those with firmly particular points of view of the "American situation" - how the nation should treat African Americans, other ethnic minorities and women. This division focuses on different request: to what degree partition and slant drive forward, especially systemically; to what degree legislative arrangement with respect to minorities in the public eye programs have been fruitful in giving by and large diverted open entryways in guideline, work, and business; and to what degree administrative approach in regards to minorities in the public eye programs appear to unduly advantage African Americans and other ethnic minorities to the burden of the white lion's share.

The procedure with necessity for administrative arrangement in regards to minorities in the public arena is appeared by the data. For example, the National Asian and Pacific American Legal Consortium reports that though white men make up only 48% of the school trained workforce, they hold over 90% of the top occupations in the news media, 96% of CEO positions, 86% of law office affiliations, and 85% of tenured school faculty positions.

Administrative arrangement with respect to minorities in the public eye is not, as a couple of analysts charge, a strangely introduce day thought planned by contemporary liberals in disobedience of history or tradition. Despite the way that the frameworks that we now call "legislative arrangement with respect to minorities in the public arena" are of really late arrangement, the sensible affirmation of the need to take certifiable, or positive true blue movement to survey division's impact, instead of simply conclusion isolation, has been around since the Civil War.(nyu)


COHN, J. S. (n.d.). U.S. Population Projections: 2005-2050. Retrieved from pewhispanic:

cornell. (n.d.). Affirmative Action. Retrieved from cornell

cornell. (n.d.). Regents of the Uni v. of Cal. v. Bakke. Retrieved from cornell:

duPont, K. (n.d.). Handling Diversity in the Workplace.

eeoc. (n.d.). The Law. Retrieved from eeoc

eeoc. (n.d.). Title VII of the Civil Rights Act of 1964.

Lindenberger, J. (n.d.). Diversity And The Workplace.

naacpldf. (n.d.). Landmark: Griggs v. Duke Power Co.

nyu. (n.d.). AFFIRMATIVE ACTION. Retrieved from nyu:

pewforum. (n.d.). America’s Changing Religious Landscape.

usnews. (n.d.). It's Official: The U.S. is Becoming a Minority-Majority Nation.

yourerc. (n.d.). 10 Employment Laws that Supervisors Need to Know. Retrieved from yourerc:

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