1) Which historical emotion
theory(ies) do you believe offers the most accurate explanation for
emotional experience and why?
Emotions would be exerting powerful
forces on a person. Emotions cause people to take actions that are
influenced. Emotions are complex feelings and state of emotions, in
which there would be physical as well as psychological changes.
Emotionality would be associated with psychological as well as
phenomenon where there would be motivations, moods, personality
etc. there are many theories of emotions, which could be divided
into cognitive, neurological as well as physiological
- Evolutionary theory of emotion:
this theory was put forward by Charles Darwin where, it had been
proposed that affection as well as love would be allowing the
people to be looking for mates as well as for reproduction.
- James Lange theory of emotion: this
is some of the most popular theories of emotion, in which there is
the physiological emotional theory. According to this theory, when
there are external stimuli, it would be leading to physiological
reactions. The emotional reactions would be dependent on the
different physical reactions.
- Cannon bard theory: this theory was
different from the cannon bard theory. According to this theory,
there might be physiological responses which would be linked to
emotions, without actual emotions being felt.
- Schachter singer theory: this is a
two factor theory in which there would be physiological arousal
initially, and this would further be leading to physiological
responses and would be interpreting behavior and would be
labelling. Cognitive interpretation is the main point.
- Cognitive appraisal theory: this
theory states that there must first be thinking followed by
experiencing emotions. This theory states that there would first be
sequence of events followed by thoughts leading to simultaneous
responses for emotions.
- Facial feedback theory of emotion:
this theory suggests that there would be facial expressions that
would be connected to experience of emotions, and not only an
emotion consequence.