In: Economics
There is no single explanation can be used for reduction in
fertility and birth rate in European countries. There are several
social, economic and cultural factors determine the decision making
of individuals and behaviour of individuals regarding the family
formation. Firstly, we focus on the economic factors. Labour market
position drives two effects; income effect ad price effect. Income
effect shows that getting higher education drives better job and
higher level of income, this increase the attractiveness in
marriage. So they planned the family efficiently. At the same time,
price effect shows the opportunity cost between family and work. If
women withdraw her participation in labour market to look after her
family, there is higher opportunity cost for that reduction.
Another economic factor is decision on having children based on the
relative income. On the other hand fertility decline to the welfare
state and social security arrangement. In European countries, there
is a well planned demographic transition is maintained.
The social factors which contributed to the low birth rate and
fertility rates are the higher level of education attainment,
effective family planning, better standard of living etc.
Postponement of child bearing is one of the main reasons for low
birth rate. There is a high consumption aspiration leads an
increasing female labour participation.
There is a rising trend in post materialist traits, like self
actualisation, ethical autonomy, choice freedom etc. Most of the
European people desired for maintaining an open future. And also
there is increasing rate of probabilities of separation and divorce
in the society.