
In: Psychology

This is a much trickier question that it seems at first glance. In order to respond,...

This is a much trickier question that it seems at first glance. In order to respond, you need to ask yourself two crucial questions. First, what does it mean to be a "modern" parent - what are the challenges that modern parents face that make parenting especially hard in the 21st century? Second, you need to define what "good parenting" is. What is the metric we use to define success as parents?

The responses to this question are likely to be quite diverse, but that's okay. An excellent response will address the two crucial questions, which lead to an answer that is supported by credible evidence (i.e. citations).


Expert Solution

The modern day parenting is an extremely tiresome job, because of the multitude of information about good parenting. While trying to be successful parents, they become lonely and forget to take care of them. In nuclear families, there will be no one to help the parents or to share the work with them. In the aspiration to become the best parent, most of the parents tend to overprotect their children resulting in poor parenting.

In the modern day, there are a lot of challenges for a parent. There may not be anyone to help them with child care, house hold work, and their own jobs and at the same time to have little fun with friends. Most of them rely on maids or baby sitters. Here there are chances of child getting abused or following a different culture. The influence of social media is too high that even a toddler knows almost all the functions of a smart phone, and can get easily addicted to it, if they are not engaged throughout. Even after putting them into a good school, it is necessary to understand about the friends and other social ineractions. In all these worries, the parents become so overwhelmed that they forget to be happy. This will have negative influence on the child’s mental health.

The parenting can be said as successful only if both parents and child are happy. In such families, even when there are problems, the closeness of the family members helps them to tide over the situations. A child growing in such family will not be upset if, the parent is not bringing him a toy he has asked for, or a vacation trip is cancelled. Parenthood is a life time commitment to respect the emotions and feelings of the child. The social interaction begins within the family and gives courage for the child to interact outside the family. Thus a good parenting is cautionary and at the same time unimposing, so that the child grows into a physiologically and psychologically healthy and responsible adult.

Thus it can be seen that the modern day parenting is an extremely difficult job because of the overwhelming pressure on them to become a good parent. This itself tend to make them overprotective and over concerned and results in bad parenting. So it is highly necessary to bring a balance in the child care in such a way that opportunities are given to the child for self development under the inspection of parents.

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