In: Nursing
Drug tolerance is a most common challenge visible during the treatment of certain conditions which includes seizure disorders,chronic pain, mental health disorders etc.Drug tolerance occurs when metabolism of drug speeds up.When the patient develops tolerance, medical professionals can increase the dose of medications gradually or even they might have to change the medications and see if it is working. Increasing the dose of medications can have side effects which ends with complications. Hence the doctors has to the examine, clarify and rectify the situations to find solutions to make it productive. Moreover , doctors has to closely monitor the situation to manage effects of tolerance.
Sometimes, complications may occur if we immediately stop the medication. so it is always advisible to fgo with instructions of the doctor to manage the drug tolerance. They initiate attempts to reduce or manage the complications by slowly stoping the medications and restart it after a break.In few conditions it may work but in some case it may not. There are certain medications which include more tolerance such as antibiotics, anti-depresssants, anxiolytics etc.