
In: Computer Science

##### answer in python #####picture of output and input Create customer information system as follows: Ask...

##### answer in python

#####picture of output and input

  1. Create customer information system as follows:

Ask the user to enter name, phonenumber, email for each customer. Build a dictionary of dictionaries to hold 10 customers with each customer having a unique customer id. (random number generated)

  1. Take the keys of the above mentioned dictionary which are customer ids and make a list. Ask the use to enter a customer id and do a binary search to find if the customer exist in the list.
  2. Sort the above mentioned list by insertion sort. (Write insertion sort code)


Expert Solution

# The code for the problem is given below for indentation refer to pictures below and if have any problem then feel free to ask:

# importing random for generating random integers

import random

# making dictionary for details of each customer

dict = {}

# making dictionary for details of every customer with id

dictMajor = {}

idLis = []

# list for saving the keys of the dictionary

keyList = []

# making a dictionary of dictionaries with random generated id

# from 0 to 9 for 10 customers

def dictAssign(dictMajor, dict):

while 1:

d = random.randint(0, 10)

if d not in idLis:


dictMajor[d] = dict


# function for sorting the keys using insertion sort

def insertSort(keyList, n):

for i in range(1, n):

temp = keyList[i]

j = i-1

while j >= 0 and temp < keyList[j]:

keyList[j+1] = keyList[j]

j = j - 1

keyList[j+1] = temp

# using binary search for searching the required id

def binarySearchId(keyList, first, last, id):

if last >= first:

mid = first+(last-first)//2

if keyList[mid] == id:

return mid

elif keyList[mid] < id:

return binarySearchId(keyList, mid+1, last, id)


return binarySearchId(keyList, first, mid-1, id)

return -1

# asking the user to enter the data for the 10 custormer

for i in range(10):

print("\nEnter the details of Customer", i+1)

name = input("Enter the name: ")

phoneNumber = input("Enter the phone number: ")

email = input("Enter the Email: ")

dict['Name'] = name

dict['Phone Number'] = phoneNumber

dict['Email'] = email

dictAssign(dictMajor, dict)

# extracting the keys into a list

for value in dictMajor.keys():


# calling the function insertion sort

n = len(keyList)

insertSort(keyList, n)

# asking the user to enter the id to search and searching the id in keylist

# using binarySearchId() function

id = int(input("Enter the customer id to search: "))

index = binarySearchId(keyList, 0, n-1, id)

# giving the result of search to user

if index == -1:

print("Customer with entered id not found!!")


print("Customer with id:", id,

"is found\nThe details of customer are:", dictMajor[id])


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