Warehouse is a structure construced for storage of goods and
commodities in large scale in an efficient and planned way.
Warehouse utlises skilled and systematic contruction techniques to
resource safe and easy storage of various goods like agricultural
produce, industry finished goods, raw materials, metal ores,
stacks, machinery etc in large scale.
Following activities are involved in planning and construction
of warehouse project:
- Purpose and type of storage: The analysis of
purpose of warehouse and the type of goods or commodities which are
needed to store in it are first analysed and classified. There can
be many types such as those requiring extra facillities like cold
storage, meat product storage , poultry storage, vegetable storage
etc. Such warehouses need extra facillities like air-conditioning,
routine cleaning and maintaince (in short interval). Some other
storage facillities like cement stacking, construction material,
iron and steel storage, raw materials not needing extra attention
do not require such facillities. The basic requirement is systeemic
stacking and efficient placement.
- Market studies and overview: Market studies
and overview is done to examine the trends and expected benefits
that could be earned from a warehouse. For an example the products
which are required in often quantities in the vicinity of the
warehouse prove to be economical. Like if a warehouse is
constructed near an Iron and steel industry it will be beneficial
to construct warehouse storing Iron ores near that place.
- Selection of site: Selection of site is done
on the basis of needs to be fulfilled by the Projected warehouse.
In addition to this construction materials and manpower, labour
(skilled and unskilled) should be easily available at site. There
should be clear access to warehouse from local roads and railways.
It should be located away from zones of potential hazards like
flooding, waterloging, radiation (nuclear plants), Fire prone
areas, and should have good ventilated background.
- Construction Phase: Planning and scheduling is
continously done to execute the project in time with optimum
resources and cost. Planning should be properly done to withhold
the purpose that warehouse need to serve and accordingly its design
is made. All stakeholders must be clearly informed and attentive
during construction.
- Completion and execution: All necessary
actions should be taken as sson as construction is complete. Local
authorities must be informed about all important aspects related to
service and execution. During execution phase all manpower
associated with it must be skilled and should have clear knowledge
of thier requisite work. All storage must be systematically done
and in a planned way.