
In: Operations Management

1.         Develop training programs for the following WHS topics: a. Hazardous Substances, Identify the following for above...

1.         Develop training programs for the following WHS topics:

a. Hazardous Substances,

Identify the following for above topic:

·             The target group/s,

·             An outline of why the training is needed,

·             Level of training – who is it aimed at? (i.e. new employees, managers, etc.),

·             Learning needs/requirements of the target group/s,

·             Program content (list topics to be covered in dot point format)  NB you can select one aspect of a topic i.e. for hazardous substances you might identify one group of substances. Don’t try and cover too much in your outline,

·             Delivery mode and rationale for why you’ve selected it (i.e. workshops, coaching on the job etc.),

·             Estimate time (i.e. is this a whole day workshop or 3 hours online etc.),

·             What legislation, codes of practice, rules, regulations, policies, procedures etc. are relevant?

·             Where you will source the information required to develop the program (make a list)?

·             What aids will be used (i.e. flowcharts, videos etc.)?

·             Whether it will be delivered internally or externally and rationale for this choice,

·             An estimate of the cost of running the program (include the direct delivery costs as well as an estimate of time off the job for participants). You may need to do some research with RTO’s and other external providers to get cost estimates,

·             How you will evaluate its success


Expert Solution

Target Group:-

HAZMAT EMPLOYER (HAZMAT- Hazardous Materials) means a person who uses one or more employees in connection with: transporting hazmat in commerce; causing hazmat to be transported or shipped in commerce; or representing, marking, certifying, selling, offering, reconditioning, testing, repairing, or modifying packagings as qualified for use in the transportation of hazmat. The term “hazmat employer” also includes any department, agency, or instrumentality of the United States, a State, a political subdivision of a State, or an Indian tribe engaged in offering or transporting hazmat in commerce. This term includes an owner-operator of a motor vehicle which transports hazardous materials in commerce.

HAZMAT EMPLOYEE means a person who is employed by a hazmat employer and who directly affects hazmat transportation safety including: an owner-operator of a motor vehicle which transports hazmat; a person (including a self-employed person) who: loads, unloads, or handles hazmat; tests, reconditions, repairs, modifi es, marks, or otherwise represents packagings as qualifi ed for use in the transportation of hazmat; prepares hazmat for transportation; is responsible for safety of transporting hazmat; or operates a vehicle used to transport hazmat.

outline of why the training is needed –

Hazardous materials transportation is a process that involves people performing functions related to handling, packaging, storing, moving, loading and unloading of hazardous materials, and responding to emergency situations while such materials are in transportation. It includes employees responsible for the safe transportation hazmat. The process also incorporates functions to design, manufacture, fabricate, inspect, mark, maintain, recondition, repair, or test a package, container or packaging component used in transporting hazardous materials. With such a complex process, the United States Department of Transportation (DOT) has identifi ed human error as a contributing cause for most hazmat transportation incidents.

Human error may result from a variety of factors including:

  • Lack of knowledge leading to the mishandling of hazmat
  • Lack of knowledge leading to undeclared shipments
  • Lack of awareness that hazmat is present
  • Failure to follow established safety procedures
  • Lack of understanding of one’s role during an incident should one occur
  • Lack of knowledge on how to respond to an incident if one occurs

Level of training – who is it aimed at? (i.e. new employees, managers, etc.),

Training must be completed within 90 days of the fi rst day of employment or the fi rst day of a change in job function. Until training is completed, a hazmat employee must be directly supervised by a person who has been trained. Further, each hazmat employee must be provided with recurrent training at least once every three years. Each hazmat employee must be tested upon completion of training. Training may be provided directly by the hazmat employer or by other public or private sources. Regardless of who provides the training, the hazmat employer is responsible for ensuring that appropriate testing occurs and that the training is effective, appropriate, and successful in achieving the intended objectives of providing employees with the knowledge and skills necessary to perform their job functions safely.

Learning needs/requirements of the target group/s,


Training that provides familiarity with the general requirements of the HMR and enables the hazmat employee to recognize and identify hazardous materials. All hazmat employees must receive general awareness training.


Training that provides a detailed understanding of HMR requirements applicable to the function(s) performed by the hazmat employee. Each hazmat employee must be trained on the specifi c functions they are required to perform.

SAFETY TRAINING: Training that covers the hazards presented by hazardous materials, safe handling, emergency response information, and methods and procedures for accident avoidance. All hazmat employees must receive this training.

SECURITY AWARENESS TRAINING: Training that provides a general understanding of the security risks associated with hazardous materials transportation and the methods designed to enhance transportation security. This training should include methods on how to recognize and respond to possible security threats. All hazmat employees must receive this training.

IN-DEPTH SECURITY TRAINING: Training that provides a detailed understanding of a company’s security plan including company security objectives, specific security procedures, employee responsibilities, actions to take in the event of a security breach and the organizational security structure. This training must be provided to hazmat employees who handle or perform regulated functions related to the transportation of the materials covered by the security plan or who are responsible for implementing the security plan.

Delivery mode and rationale for why you’ve selected it (i.e. workshops, coaching on the job etc.),


The Hazardous Materials Regulations (HMR; 49 CFR Parts 100- 185), issued by the Department of Transportation’s Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration (PHMSA) under authority of the Federal hazardous materials transportation law (49 U.S.C. 5101 et seq.), establish requirements governing the commercial transportation of hazmat by highway, rail, vessel, and air. Under the HMR, hazardous materials are categorized by analysis and experience and assigned hazard classes and packing groups based upon the risks they present during transportation. The HMR specify appropriate packaging and handling requirements for hazardous materials, and require a shipper to communicate the material’s hazards through use of shipping papers, package marking and labeling, and vehicle placarding. The HMR also require shippers to provide emergency response information applicable to the specifi c hazard or hazards of the material being transported.

Where you will source the information required to develop the program (make a list)?


The Pipeline and Hazardous Materials Safety Administration, Offi ce of Hazardous Materials Safety (OHMS) provides written clarifi cations of the Hazardous Materials Regulations in the form of interpretation letters. These letters refl ect the agency’s current application of the HMR to the specifi c facts presented by the person requesting the clarifi cation. Interpretations are one form of Guidance provided by OHMS. Interpretations do not create legally-enforceable rights or obligations and are provided to help the public understand how to comply with the HMR.


Training, outreach, and information dissemination are important responsibilities of PHMSA. To promote compliance with the HMR, PHMSA develops brochures, charts, publications, training CD-ROMs, videos and other safety-related information and makes them available to the public through the PHMSA website. Many of the publications spotlight safety concerns such as lithium batteries, undeclared hazmat shipments, wetlines, and alternative fuels such as ethanol.


PHMSA offers free seminars, workshops, and special events throughout the year. These free training events are for anyone who offers or transports hazardous materials in commerce, provide emergency response to accidents or incidents involving hazmat, or has a desire to learn more about the HMR.

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