
In: Computer Science

Develop the pseudo code for, desk check and test the following programs. Allow the user to...

Develop the pseudo code for, desk check and test the following programs. Allow the user to provide the number of elements, and initialise the array according to their input. Use functions where appropriate to ensure modularity. 1. Find the average of a list of numbers 2. Find the smallest element in a list of numbers


Expert Solution


I am writing the program in java language. Please comment in case of any doubt.

//Code is as follows

import java.util.Scanner;

public class Main


public static void main(String[] args)


Scanner sc = new Scanner(;

//provide the number of elements        

System.out.print("Enter number of elments: ");

int n = sc.nextInt();

//initialise the array according to their input

int nums[] = new int[n];

System.out.println("Enter "+n+" numbers: ");

for(int i=0; i<n; i++)


nums[i] = sc.nextInt();


//Find the average of a list of numbers

double avg = 0.0;

for(int i=0; i<n; i++)


avg += nums[i];


avg /= n;

//Find the smallest element in a list of numbers

int smallest = nums[0];

for(int i=1; i<n; i++)



smallest = nums[i];


//print entered elements

System.out.println("Entered numbers are: ");

for(int i=0; i<n; i++)




System.out.print(", ");


//print average and smallest element

System.out.printf("\nAverage is: %.2f\n", avg);

System.out.printf("Smallest Element is: %d\n",smallest);




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