
In: Computer Science

1) Download the file Assign2.asm. Read it and make sure it can be compiled and executed...

1) Download the file Assign2.asm. Read it and make sure it can be compiled and executed in Mars.



Array: .word 43, -5, 11, 12, 64, -7, 14, 71, 70, 13, -27

string1: .asciiz "Please input the flag: \n"

string2: .asciiz "Sorted Result: \n"

# Tranfer the C code of selection sort to MIPS code. Please do not modify the existing code.



# write your code here to ask the user to input a flag (int number)

la $t0, Array

li $t1, 0

li $t7,11 # array length n=11

mul $t7, $t7, 4 # 4*n, end of inner loop

subi $t8, $t7, 4 # 4*(n-1), end of outer loop


add $t2, $t1, 4 # i is in $t1 and j is in $t2

# write your code here for Selection Sort with flag checking

# write your code here to print the sorted result

# exit

addi $v0, $zero, 10


2) Write code to finish all the tasks listed in Assign2.asm. In Assign2.asm, an array ‘a’of ‘n’=11integers are given at the beginning (make sure do not change these integers):

43, -5, 11, 12, 64, -7, 14, 71, 70, 13, -27

The finished Assign2.asm should be filled with your MIPS code in the specified space to implement the given C code for Selection Sort:

for (int i=0; i<n-1;i++) {

for(int j=j+1; j<n;j++) {

if a[i] > a[j] {

int temp = a[i];

a[i] = a[j];

a[j] = temp;




This above code will generate the sorted result from minimum to maximum.

3) Your code will ask the user to input a flag (int number). If the flag is 1, your code outputs the sorting result from minimum to maximum; otherwise, your code outputs the sorting result from maximum to a minimum.

Here is an example output:


Please input the flag: # user inputs 1

Sorted Result:













Please input the flag: # user inputs 0

Sorted Result:











Note: MIIPS code


Expert Solution


    Array: .word 43, -5, 11, 12, 64, -7, 14, 71, 70, 13, -27
    string1: .asciiz "Please input the flag: \n"
    string2: .asciiz "Sorted Result: \n"


    # priniting string1
    li $v0, 4
    la $a0, string1
    # takiing flag input
    li $v0, 5

    # moving input in temporary register t3 
    move $t3,$v0
    bne $t3, 1, EX # if user input is not 1 then Exit
    la $t0, Array
    li $t1, 0
    li $t7,11 # array length n=11
    mul $t7, $t7, 4 # 4*n, end of inner loop
    subi $t8, $t7, 4 # 4*(n-1), end of outer loop
    addi $t2, $t1, 4 # i is in $t1 and j is in $t2
    # Min to Max
        lw $a0,Array($t1)       # value of a[i]
    lw $a1,Array($t2)    # value of a[j]
    ble $a0,$a1, EL    # if(a[i]>a[j])
    move $t4, $a0        # temp(t4) = a[i]
    sw $a1,Array($t1)        # a[i] = a[j]
        sw $t4,Array($t2)        # a[j] = temp(t4)
EL  :
    addi $t2,$t2, 4        # increment j (j++)
    bne $t2,44, ASCEND    # Branch if(j<n)
    move $a1,$zero
    addi $t1,$t1, 4        # increment i (i++)
    bne $t1,40, OuterLoop    # Branch if(i<n-1)
    move $a0,$zero

    # printing string2

    li $v0, 4
    la $a0, string2

        li $t5 , 0        # counter for Printing(k=0) 
    lw  $t4, Array($t5)       # Loading a[k] in temporary register t4
    # Printing a[k]
    li $v0, 1               
    move  $a0 ,$t4

    # Printing a newline 
    li $v0, 11
    la $a0, '\n'
    addi $t5,$t5, 4          # Incrementing k (k++) 
    bne $t5,$t7, PRINT    # Branch if(k<n)
    move $a0,$zero

EX :     
    addi $v0, $zero, 10    # exit

ScreenShots :

Coding Terminal :

Output :


    Array: .word 43, -5, 11, 12, 64, -7, 14, 71, 70, 13, -27
    string1: .asciiz "Please input the flag: \n"
    string2: .asciiz "Sorted Result: \n"


    # priniting string1
    li $v0, 4
    la $a0, string1
    # takiing flag input
    li $v0, 5

    # moving input in temporary register t3 
    move $t3,$v0

    la $t0, Array
    li $t1, 0
    li $t7,11 # array length n=11
    mul $t7, $t7, 4 # 4*n, end of inner loop
    subi $t8, $t7, 4 # 4*(n-1), end of outer loop
    addi $t2, $t1, 4 # i is in $t1 and j is in $t2
    # Min to Max
    bne $t3, 1, DESCEND # if user input is not 1 then Exit
    move $a0,$zero
    lw $a0,Array($t1)       # value of a[i]
    lw $a1,Array($t2)    # value of a[j]
    ble $a0,$a1, EL    # if(a[i]>a[j])
    move $t4, $a0        # temp(t4) = a[i]
    sw $a1,Array($t1)        # a[i] = a[j]
        sw $t4,Array($t2)        # a[j] = temp(t4)
    # Max to Min
    beq  $t3, 1, EL  # if user input is 1 then Else part  otherwise execute DESCEND
    lw $a0,Array($t1)       # value of a[i]
    lw $a1,Array($t2)    # value of a[j]
    bge $a0,$a1, EL    # if(a[i]<a[j])
    move $t4, $a0        # temp(t4) = a[i]
    sw $a1,Array($t1)        # a[i] = a[j]
        sw $t4,Array($t2)        # a[j] = temp(t4)

EL  :
    addi $t2,$t2, 4        # increment j (j++)
    bne $t2,44, ASCEND    # Branch if(j<n)
    move $a1,$zero
    addi $t1,$t1, 4        # increment i (i++)
    bne $t1,40, OuterLoop    # Branch if(i<n-1)
    move $a0,$zero
    # printing string2

    li $v0, 4
    la $a0, string2
    li $t5 , 0        # counter for Printing(k=0) 
    lw  $t4, Array($t5)       # Loading a[k] in temporary register t4
    # Printing a[k]
    li $v0, 1               
    move  $a0 ,$t4
    # Printing a newline 
    li $v0, 11
    la $a0, '\n'
    addi $t5,$t5, 4          # Incrementing k (k++) 
    bne $t5,$t7, PRINT    # Branch if(k<n)
    move $a0,$zero
EX :     
    addi $v0, $zero, 10    # exit

ScreenShots :

Coding Terminal :

Output :

Explanation :

  • Answers to the first two questions are given directly in Code A) code.
  • Answer to Q.2 is about taking input and MIPS code for the sorting algorithm. It is given in ASCEND and the incrementers i and j in the ELSE part. of Code A). I have also printed the array in sorted form.
  • The answer to Q.3 is Code B and the output.


My coding terminal looks like this. I am using MARS 4.5 (please don't change the default setting of the assembler !!!).

My JDK is SE JDK 15.

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