
In: Computer Science

The Programming Language is C++ PLEASE, Make sure to read the requirements and grading criteria for...

The Programming Language is C++

PLEASE, Make sure to read the requirements and grading criteria for homework first... Thank you!!!


The purpose of this project is to expose you to:

One-dimensional parallel arrays, input/output, Manipulating summation, maintenance of array elements. In addition, defining an array type and passing arrays and array elements to functions.

Problem Specification:

Using the structured chart below, write a program to keep records and print statistical analysis for a class of students. There are three quizzes for each student during the term. Each student is identified by a four-digit student ID number. The number of students in the class is unknown, therefore we need to detect end of file to stop. The file pr2data.txt is included and contains the data.

The program calculates the statistics for each student and for each quiz as shown in the sample output. The output goes to a file and is in the same order as the input and should be similar to the following: any other improvements to the output are welcomed.

                  CIS Department – Fall 2018

                     CIS 161 Class Statistics

Student                        Quiz 1               Quiz 2              Quiz 3          Average      

1234                          78                 83              87                   82.67            

2134                          67                77              84                  76.00

3124                          77                89              93                  86.33

High score                 78                89              93

Low score                 67                77              84

Quiz Average            73.4              83.0           88.2


1234   52   70   75
2134   90   76   90
3124   90   95   98
4532   21   17   81
5678   20   22   45
6134   34   45   55
7874   60   99   56
8026   70   10   66
9893   34   09   77
2233   78   20   78
1947   45   40   88
3456   78   55   78
2877   55   50   95
3189   70   98   78
2132   77   97   80
4602   89   50   91
3445   78   60   78
5405   35   33   15
4556   78   20   18
6999   88   98   89
9898   48   78   68
2323   78   20   78


  • Main () is used as a driver function; the only statements in main are function calls.
  • Your program needs to follow my hierarchical chart.
  • Define a new type for each array of a type.
  • Declare an array for each of the data items.
  • Setdata() reads the data from the file into arrays.
  • Getdata prints the results into a file.
  • Findstavg calculates each student’s average and stores it into an array.
  • Findqzavg finds the average of a quiz and returns the average as its value
  • Findhigh finds the largest quiz in an array and returns it as its value.
  • Findlow finds the smallest quiz in an array and returns it as its value.

Grading Criteria:

5 points      There are sufficient comments in the programs.

5 points      use the typedef to define all arrays.

5 points      a flowchart of the function main () is included and is correct (only main()).

5 points      use a counter to count the number of elements read.

5 points      generate an error if file does not exist, or if not open.

10 points      loop is included and reads the data until it encounters the end of file.

5 points      proper passing by value/by reference for all functions.

5 points      the function findstavg () finds the float average for each student.

5 points      the function findhigh () is clear correct and returns the highest quiz.

5 points      the function findlow () is clear correct and returns the lowest quiz.

10 points      the function findqzavg () is clear correct and returns a quiz average.

5 points      every function has specifications.

5 points      headings, column titles are printed, formatted and looks nice.

5 points      data/calculated results are printed with proper spacing and proper formatting.

15 points      the program runs correctly and produces the intended results.

5 points       output are printed to a file.


Expert Solution

Summary :

Provided Notes , Code , Flowchart and output.

Notes :

Utilized typedef for the main student data and same can be done for other arrays as well.

Since the size is not defined , while declaring the data variable , need to provide the actual definition or else one can declare a very large array and utilize the count to keep track .

Further introduced 2 functions getLines() - which returns the number of students and printSUmmary() which prints the data in desired output format.

################## COde ####################

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <iomanip>

using namespace std;

typedef int scores[][4] ;

// Function to get the count of lines 
int getLines()
        // initilize num lines to 0 
        int numLines = 0 ;
        // Open the file read line 
        string line ;
        ifstream ifile( "pr2data.txt");
        while ( getline(ifile,line) )
                numLines += 1;
        return numLines ;

void Setdata(scores data,int count )
        int i = 0 ;
        // open the file 
        ifstream ifile( "pr2data.txt");
        if ( ifile )
                // while not reach eof read 
                while( !ifile.eof() )
                        // this is required otherwise the last line is read twice 
                        if ( ifile.eof()) break;
                        ifile >> data[i][0] >> data[i][1] >> data[i][2] >> data[i][3] ;
                        i++ ;
        } else 
                cout << "\n Error opening pr2data.txt \n" ;

// The student avg is stored in avg array 
void findstavg (scores data, double avg[] , int count )
        // iterate over the student scores and calculate avg 
        for( int i=0; i< count ; i++ )
                avg[i] = (double) ( data[i][1] + data[i][2] + data[i][3] )*1.0 / 3.0 ;

// Finds the avg of given Quicz ( row ) 
float Findqzavg(scores data, int row, int count )
        double avg = 0.0;
        // Iterate over the scores and calculate avg of only the quiz number 
        for(int i=0 ; i < count ; i++ )
                avg += data[i][row];
        return avg/count ;

// Finds the max of Quilz number 
int Findhigh (scores data, int row, int count  )
        int max = 0 ;
        // Iterate over the Quiz scores and find max 
        for ( int i=0 ; i < count ; i++ )
                if ( data[i][row] > max )
                        max = data[i][row];
        return max;

int Findlow (scores data, int row, int count  )
        int min = 10000 ;
        // Iterate over the Quiz scores and find min
        for ( int i=0 ; i < count ; i++ )
                if ( data[i][row] < min )
                        min = data[i][row];
        return min;

// This function prints the summary to the file 
void printSummary(scores data, double avgs[] , int count )
        // open the file 
        ofstream outfile;"pr2data_out.txt");
        // Print heading 
        outfile << setw(9) << "    Student" 
                 << setw(9) << "Quiz 1"
                 << setw(9) << "Quiz 2"
                 << setw(9) << "Quiz 3"
                 << setw(12) << "   Average\n";
        // Print student scores with avg 
        for( int i=0 ; i < count ; i++ )
                outfile << setw(9) << data[i][0] 
                 << setw(9) << data[i][1]
                 << setw(9) << data[i][2]
                 << setw(9) << data[i][3]
                 << setw(12) << fixed << setprecision(2)  << (double)avgs[i] * 1.0 << "\n";

        // Print High , Low and Avg scores 
        outfile << " High score" << setw(7) << Findhigh(data,1,count)
                                                << setw(9) << Findhigh(data,2,count)
                                                << setw(9) << Findhigh(data,3,count) << "\n";
        outfile << " Low score " << setw(7) << Findlow(data,1,count)
                                                << setw(9) << Findlow(data,2,count)
                                                << setw(9) << Findlow(data,3,count) << "\n";
        outfile << " Quiz Average " << setw(7) << fixed << setprecision(2) << Findqzavg(data,1,count)
                                                << setw(9) << fixed << setprecision(2) << Findqzavg(data,2,count)
                                                << setw(9)  << fixed << setprecision(2)<< Findqzavg(data,3,count) << "\n";


int main()
        int student_count = getLines() ;
        //cout << " Student Count " << student_count << "\n";
        // one can utilize type def here to delcare very large array at the begining and only use the count 
        int data[student_count][4] ;

        double student_avgs[student_count];



Output :

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