
In: Electrical Engineering

The contribution densities of a Si pn joint polarized in the direction of transmission at T...

The contribution densities of a Si pn joint polarized in the direction of transmission at T = 300K are Nd = 4 * 10 ^ 15 cm ^ -3, Na = 8 * 10 ^ 17 cm ^ -3. The minority carrier hole concentration at the border of the space charge zone is given as pn (xn) = 14 * 10 ^ 13 cm ^ -3. According to other parameters of the pn junction tau n0 = 0.2 microseconds, tau p0 = 0.5 microseconds, A = 2.5 mm ^ 2, Dn = 25 (cm ^ 2 / s), Dp = 10 (cm ^ 2 / s):

a) Pole voltage Va in the direction of transmission,
b) minority carrier hole diffusion current in x = xn,
c) minority carrier hole diffusion current in x = xn + 2Lp,
d) Electron concentration in x = -xp,
e) minority carrier electron diffusion current in x = -xp,
f) minority carrier electron diffusion current in x = - (xp + 3Ln),
g) Calculate the total current flowing through the junction.

I need quick answer pls.Thank you.


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