In: Operations Management
What restrictions or recommendations should be applied to firms/companies when using social networks? Are these tools a security threat? Can they tarnish the reputation of the company? Can they enhance the reputation of the company? How so? Please, indicate your point of view in detail.
What restrictions or recommendations should be applied to firms/companies when using social networks?
When employee use the social network and it is allowed in the organization to use social network site then there should be some guideline to it like.
Are these tools a security threat?
Yes they are more than a threat than a profit for the company, they consumer employee time and creativity both, it is also a security threat because it can be a platform from where data can be leaked
Can they tarnish the reputation of the company?
If used wisely they improve the reputation of the company provided it is used in all possible measure set by the company
Can they enhance the reputation of the company?
If used wisely they will enhance the reputation of the company indeed.
How so? Please, indicate your point of view in detail
Reputation enhancement:
Reputation Tarnish