
In: Computer Science

Java program to implement the merge sort your own and test it to sort a list...

Java program to implement the merge sort your own and test it to sort a list of names based on the frequency.


Expert Solution

import java.util.*;
public class Main
////// main function as tester function ///////
   public static void main(String[] args) {

       int n = 5; /// size of list
       Name[] arr = new Name[n]; /// array if Name objects

////// adding names and corresponding frequencies /////
       arr[0] = new Name("apple", 10);
       arr[1] = new Name("orange", 8);
       arr[2] = new Name("banana", 1);
       arr[3] = new Name("potato", 4);
       arr[4] = new Name("onion", 0);
//// calling sorting function /////
       mergeSort(arr, n);
////// printing the sorted array of Name objects based on frequency
       for(int i = 0;i<n;i++)
           System.out.println(arr[i].name + " ---- " + arr[i].frequency);

   public static void mergeSort(Name[] arr, int n)
       if(n<2) return; //// base condition to terminate the recursion
       int mid = n/2;
       //////// division of array into 2 arrays //////
       Name[] L = new Name[mid];
       Name[] R = new Name[n-mid];
int i = 0;
       for(i = 0;i<mid;i++)
           L[i] = arr[i];

       for(int j = 0;j<n-mid;j++)
           R[j] = arr[i];

///// recursively sorting the splited arrays
       mergeSort(L, mid);
       mergeSort(R, n-mid);
///// merging the splited arrays to final sorted array
       merge(L, R, arr);
//////////// merge logic //////////////
   public static void merge(Name[] L, Name[] R, Name[] arr)
       int l = L.length;
       int r = R.length;
       int n = arr.length;

       int i = 0;
       int j = 0;
       int k = 0;

       while(i<l && j<r && k<n)
           if(L[i].frequency < R[j].frequency)
               arr[k] = L[i];
               arr[k] = R[j];


       while (i<l && k<n)
           arr[k] = L[i];

       while (j<r && k<n)
           arr[k] = R[j];


////// name class which contains name and the frequency of corresponding name
class Name
   String name;
   int frequency;

   public Name(String name, int frequency)
   { = name;
       this.frequency = frequency;

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