You are CEO of Rivet​ Networks, maker of​ ultra-high performance network cards for gaming​ computers, and...

You are CEO of Rivet​ Networks, maker of​ ultra-high performance network cards for gaming​ computers, and you are considering whether to launch a new product. The​ product, the Killer​ X3000, will cost $ 903 comma 000 to develop up front​ (year 0), and you expect revenues the first year of $ 798 comma 000 ​, growing to $ 1.46 million the second​ year, and then declining by 45 % per year for the next 3 years before the product is fully obsolete. In years 1 through​ 5, you will have fixed costs associated with the product of $ 102 comma 000 per​ year, and variable costs equal to 45 % of revenues.    a. What are the cash flows for the project in years 0 through​ 5? b. Plot the NPV profile for this investment using discount rates from​ 0% to​ 40% in​ 10% increments. c. What is the​ project's NPV if the​ project's cost of capital is 9 % ​? d. Use the NPV profile to estimate the cost of capital at which the project would become​ unprofitable; that​ is, estimate the​ project's IRR.

In: Finance

Financial analysts recommend investing 15% to 20% of your annual income in your retirement fund to...

Financial analysts recommend investing 15% to 20% of your annual income in your retirement fund to reach a replacement rate of 70% of your income by age 65. This recommendation increases to almost 30% if you start investing at 45 years old. Mallori Rouse is 28 years old and has started investing $5,100 at the end of each year in her retirement account. How much will her account be worth in 20 years at 10% interest compounded annually? How much will it be worth in 30 years? What about at 40 years? How much will it be worth in 50 years? (Please use the following provided Table 13.1.) (Do not round intermediate calculations. Round your answers to the nearest whole dollar amount.)

In: Finance

Write code for A counting sort is a technique to sort an array of n positive...

Write code for A counting sort is a technique to sort an array of n positive integers that lie between 0 and m, inclusive. You need m + 1 counters. Then, making only one pass through the array, you count the number of times each integer occurs in the array. For example, the figure below shows an array of integers that lie between 0 and 4 and the five counters after a counting sort has made its pass through the array. From the counters, you can see that the array contains one 0, three 1’s, two 2’s, one 3, and three 4’s. These counts enable you to determine that the sorted array should contain [0, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 3, 4, 4, 4].

import java.util.Arrays;

public class Question4


/** Sorts an array of postive integers that lie within the range 0 to max.

@param a The array.

@param max The largest value in the array. */

public static void question4(int[] a, int max)




* Do not write any code inside the main method and expect it to get marked.

* Any code that you write inside the main method will be ignored. However,

* you are free to edit the main function in any way you like for

* your own testing purposes.


public static void main(String[] args)


int[] array = {2, 8, 4, 10, 15, 0, 4, 8, 2, 2, 0, 15, 10};

System.out.println("The array before sorting:");

System.out.println(Arrays.toString(array)); //must print [2 8 4 10 15 0 4 8 2 2 0 15 10]

question4(array, 15);

System.out.println("\nThe array after sorting:");

System.out.println(Arrays.toString(array)); //must print [0 0 2 2 2 4 4 8 8 10 10 15 15]



In: Computer Science

what effect would each of the following have on the calculated molar mass of an unknown?...

what effect would each of the following have on the calculated molar mass of an unknown?

a) The balance was not zeroed before the three weighings of the test tube, sample, water were made. This caused each mass measurement to be 0.102 g greater than it should have been.

b) The thermometer consistently read 0.06 C lower than it should have, over the entire experimental range

c) The masses of the unknown and the solvent (water) were determinded, and the unknown completely dissolved in the water. Just before the jacketed test tube containing the unknown solution was placed in the ice-salt water bath, a small amount of the solution was spilled out of the tube.

d) The unknown contained a smal amount of an insoluble impurity

e) The unknown contained a small amount of a soluble impurity, which had a molar mass lower than that of the pure unknown.

f) A portion of the unknown did not dissolve.

In: Chemistry

Create a program called that implements the Bubble Sort algorithm (The Art of Computer Programming...

Create a program called that implements the Bubble Sort algorithm (The Art of Computer Programming - Donald Knuth). The algorithm is as follows: The program should be able to do the following: accepts one command line parameter. The parameter specifies the path to a text file containing the integers to be sorted. The structure of the file is as follows: There will be multiple lines in the file (number of lines unknown). Each line will contain multiple integers, separated by a single whitespace. reads the integers from the text file in part a into an array of integers. sort the integers in ascending order, and then prints out a sorted version of these integers, one per line. The implementation should follow the given the pseudo code/algorithm description. JAVA CODE

In: Computer Science

Describe a business situation where you felt uncomfortable or ill at ease What would you do...

  1. Describe a business situation where you felt uncomfortable or ill at ease
  2. What would you do differently to handle the situation?
  3. What can you do to maintain composure in even the most difficult or stressful business situation?

In: Nursing

This is your first experience with public speaking and you're very nervous. You're afraid you'll forget...

This is your first experience with public speaking and you're very nervous. You're afraid you'll forget your speech and stumble. So you're wondering if it would be a good idea to alert your audience to your nervousness. If you decide to say something, what are some things you might say? Are there advantages and disadvantages to what you might say? What would you say? What good reasons can you give to say nothing?

In: Psychology

Discuss the possible solutions to “heal” the economy once the great recession was in full force.

Discuss the possible solutions to “heal” the economy once the great recession was in full force.

In: Economics

c++ I cannot get my operator+ to pass my test, it is failing on the first...


I cannot get my operator+ to pass my test, it is failing on the first test, how would i convert my operator+ to use pointers and dynamic memory?


  • You CANNOT use the C++ standard string or any other libraries for this assignment, except where specified.
  • You must use your ADT string for the later parts of the assignment.
  • using namespace std; is stricly forbiden. As are any global using statements.
  • Name the folder for this project: string (please use all lower case letters).
  • Milestone 1
    • Implementation:
      • Create an ADT String using the class construct. It will be a NULL (zero) terminating charater array.
      • Note: C++ has a standard type called string so you should not use this name. Use String instead.
      • Please name all your files using only lower case letters.
      • Use the provided specification (svn/shared/project2/string-mile1.hpp) for naming your class and methods You should rename this to string.hpp. A test suite will be provided in Part 2 that uses this interface to test your string class.
      • You should use a fixed sized array of char for storage with a max capacity based on a constant const int STRING_SIZE = 256; This array will store the characters along with the NULL (0) terminator.
      • Implement the constructor functions (i.e., for char[] and char).
      • Overload + and += as concatenation (make sure they works for all variations string + string, string + char[], char[] + string, etc).
      • Overload all the relational operators (==, <, >, etc.).
      • Implement the methods:
        • operator[](int) - both accessor and modifier versions
        • length() - returns number of characters in string
        • capacity() - returns the max number of characters that can be stored in the string
        • substr(int start, int end) - returns the sub string from start to end position (inclusive)
        • findch(int pos, char ch) - returns location of ch at or after pos, returns -1 if not found
        • findstr(int pos, cosnt String& str) - returns the location of str at or after pos, returns -1 if not found.
        • Overload both I/O operators - Input should read in one word at a time. The input operator for char[] works that way and can be used.
    • Testing:
      • Develop a set of test cases, using asserts, for each of the operators and methods of the String class.
      • Write test cases first. Testing must be thorough. You will be relying on the string to be correct.
      • The command make tests will build and run the unit tests.
      • After each function passes a test, commit your work to svn with a message such as "Constructor tests passed".
      • Your string class will be tested on a set of cases developed by the instructors. You will be graded on how well you pass the instructor tests. These tests cover the required constructors and operators.
  • Milestone 2
    • Implementation:
      • Re-implement your String class to use a dynamically allocated array for storage. Just as in the previous version, it will be a NULL terminating charater array.
      • Use the provided specification (svn/shared/project2/string-mile2.hpp) for naming your class and methods You should rename this to string.hpp.
      • This dynamic version of the String will only allocate exactly the amount of memory necessary to store the charaters. That is, the length will be the same as the capacity. However, the size of the dynamic array needs to have an extra char for the NULL terminator.
      • You will need to re-write your constructors to allocate the correct amount of memory.
      • The default constructor should allocate an array of size 1 for the empty string. The other constructors will allocate memory as needed. For example for String str("abc"); str.capacity() == 3, str.length() == 3, and str.stringSize == 4.
      • Implement a destructor, copy constructor, constant time swap, and assignment operator for your ADT. Also re-implement += to deal with the dynamic aspects.
      • You will also have to update concat/operator+() to return the proper sized string result.
      • Implement a private method resetCapacity to change the capacity of your string while keeping the contents intact. That is, create a new array and copy contents over to the new array, making sure to clean up memory.
      • Additionally, implement two private constructors that will be useful for managing memory. String(int) creates a String of capacity n and length 0. String(int, const char[]) creates a string of capacity n with an initial value of the char[] (and length equal to the char[]). Both of these constructors break the class invariant and thus are private for use by the class only.




#include <iostream>

// CLASS INV: str[length()] == 0             &&
//            length()      == capacity()    &&
//            capacity()    == stringSize - 1
class String {
            String        ();                               //Empty string
            String        (char);                           //String('x')
            String        (const char[]);                   //String("abc")
            String        (const String&);                  //Copy Constructor
            ~String       ();                               //Destructor
    void    swap          (String&);                        //Constant time swap
    String& operator=     (String);                         //Assignment Copy
    char&   operator[]    (int);                            //Accessor/Modifier
    char    operator[]    (int)                     const;  //Accessor
    int     capacity      ()                        const;  //Max chars that can be stored (not including null)
    int     length        ()                        const;  //Actual number of chars in string
    String  operator+     (const String&)           const;
    String& operator+=    (const String&);
    bool    operator==    (const String&)           const;
    bool    operator<     (const String&)           const;
    String  substr        (int, int)                const;  //The sub-string from staring position to ending position
    int     findch        (int,  char)              const;  //Find location of charater starting at a position
    int     findstr       (int,  const String&)     const;  //Find location of str starting at a position
    void    test_String   ();
    friend  std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream&, const String&);
    friend  std::istream& operator>>(std::istream&, String&);


  String (int n );                                               //String(10) - capacity 10, empty string

  String (int , const char []);                          //String(10, "abc") - capacity 10 with "abc"        

  void    resetCapacity (int);                            //Resets capacity to N, keeps string intact
    char    *str;                                           //Pointer to char[]
    int     stringSize;                                     //Size includes NULL terminator

String  operator+       (const char[],  const String&);
String  operator+       (char,          const String&);
bool    operator==      (const char[],  const String&);
bool    operator==      (char,          const String&);
bool    operator<       (const char[],  const String&);
bool    operator<       (char,          const String&);
bool    operator<=      (const String&, const String&);
bool    operator!=      (const String&, const String&);
bool    operator>=      (const String&, const String&);
bool    operator>       (const String&, const String&);




#include <iostream>
#include "string.hpp"
#include <cassert>

String::String() {            // default constructor - empty string
  stringSize = 1;
  str = new char [stringSize];
  str[0] = 0;

String::String(char ch) {   
  stringSize = 2;
  str = new char [stringSize];
  str[0] = ch;
  str[1] = '\0';

//REQUIRES: str.length() < capacity()
//String a("abc")
//Takes character array and turns into string array
String::String(const char X[]) {
  int i = 0;
  while (X[i] != '\0') ++i;
  stringSize = i + 1;
  str = new char [stringSize];
  for(int j = 0; j < capacity(); ++j)
    str[j] = X[j];
  str[capacity()] = 0;

String::String(const String& rhs) {   //copy constructor
  stringSize = rhs.stringSize;
  str = new char [stringSize];
  for(int i = 0; i < capacity(); ++i)
    str[i] = rhs.str[i];

String::~String() {    //destructor
  delete[] str;

void String::swap (String& rhs) {    //Constant time swap
  char * temporary = str;
  str = rhs.str;
  rhs.str = temporary;
  int hold = stringSize;
  stringSize = rhs.stringSize;
  rhs.stringSize = hold;

String& String::operator= ( String rhs) {    // Assignment copy
  if (str == rhs.str) return *this;  //check to see if they are already pointing to the same address
  delete [] str;
  stringSize = rhs.stringSize;
  str = new char [stringSize];
  for (int i = 0; i < capacity(); ++i)
    str[i] = rhs.str[i];
  return *this;

//REQUIRES: 0 <= i < length()
// operator[] const --- allows access to const objects
char String::operator[](int i) const {
  assert( (i > 0) && (i < length()) );
  return str[i];

//REQUIRES: 0 <= i < length()
// operator[]       --- allows access / modification to non-const objects
char& String::operator[] (int i) {
  assert( (i >= 0) && (i < length() ) );
  return str[i];

int String::capacity() const {    //capacity = stringSize -1;
  return (stringSize - 1);

//ENSURES: Retval == i where str[i] = 0
int String::length() const {
  int result = 0;
  while (str[result] != '\0') 
  return result;

// retval == "xyzabc" where "xyx" + "abc"
String String::operator+(const String& rhs) const {
  String result;
  int offset = length();
  int i = 0;
  while(rhs.str[i] != 0) {
    result.str[offset + i] = rhs.str[i];
    if (offset + i == capacity()) break;
    return result;

String operator+(char lhs, const String& rhs) {
  return String(lhs) + rhs;

String operator+(const char lhs[], const String& rhs) {
  return String(lhs) + rhs;

String& String::operator+=(const String& rhs) {
  *this = operator+(rhs);
  return *this;

bool String::operator==(const String& rhs) const {
  int i = 0;
  while ((str[i] != '\0') && (str[i] == rhs.str[i])) ++i;
  return str[i] == rhs.str[i];

bool operator==(char lhs, const String& rhs) {
  return String(lhs) == rhs;

bool operator==(char lhs[], const String& rhs) {
  return String(lhs) == rhs;

bool String::operator<(const String& rhs) const {
  int i = 0;
  while ((str[i] != 0) && (rhs.str[i] != 0) && (str[i] == rhs.str[i])) ++i;
  return str[i] < rhs.str[i];

bool operator<(char lhs, const String& rhs) {
  return String(lhs) < rhs;

bool operator<(const char lhs[], const String& rhs) {
  return String(lhs) < rhs;

bool operator!=(const String& lhs, const String& rhs) {
  return !(lhs == rhs) || (lhs == rhs);

bool operator<=(const String& lhs, const String& rhs) {
  return (lhs < rhs) || (lhs == rhs);

bool operator>(const String& lhs, const String& rhs) {
  return (rhs < lhs);

bool operator>=(const String& lhs, const String& rhs) {
  return !(lhs < rhs);

std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, const String& rhs) {
  out << rhs.str;
  return out;

std::istream& operator>>(std::istream& in, String& rhs) {
  char placehold[540000];
  in >> placehold;
  rhs = String(placehold);
  return in;

//REQUIRES: 0 <= start < length()
//ENSURES:  retval == i where str[i] == ch && i >= start
//          or retval == -1 if ch != s[start.length()-1]
int String::findch(int start, char ch) const {
  if ( (start < 0) || (start >= length()) ) return -1;
  int i = start;
  while (str[i] != 0) {
    if (str[i] == ch) return i;
  return -1;

int String::findstr(int pos, const String& rhs) const {
  int i = pos;
  if ((pos < 0) || (pos >= length() - rhs.length()))
    return -1;
  if (length() < rhs.length())
    return -1;

  while ((str[pos] != 0) && (rhs.length() + pos - 1 <= length())) {
    if (rhs == substr(i, i + rhs.length() - 1))
      return pos;
  return -1;

//REQUIRES: 0 <= start <= end < length()
//ENSURES:  retval == s[start, ..., end]
String String::substr(int start, int end) const {
  if (start < 0) return String();
  if (start > end) return String();
  if (end >= length()) return String();

  String result;
  int i = start;
  while (i <= end) {
    result += str[i];
  return result;

String::String (int n) {                                               //String(10) - capacity 10, empty string
  stringSize = n;
  str = new char [stringSize];
  str[0] = 0;

String::String (int n, const char ch[]) {                          //String(10, "abc") - capacity 10 with "abc"
  stringSize  = n;
  str = new char [n];
  for (int i = 0; i < n; ++i)
    str[i] = ch[i];

void  String::resetCapacity (int n ) {                            //Resets capacity to N, keeps string intact
  int smaller = stringSize;
  if (smaller > n) smaller = n;
  stringSize = n;
  char * tmp = new char [stringSize];
  for (int i = 0; i < smaller; ++i)
    tmp[i] = str[i];
  delete [] str;
  str = tmp;

void String::test_String() {
  String testing(5);
  assert(testing.length() == 0);
  assert(testing.capacity() == 5);

  String test(15);
  assert(test.length() == 0);
  assert(test.capacity() == 15);

  String CharArray(10, "abc");
  assert(CharArray.length() == 3);
  assert(CharArray.capacity() == 10);


concat test .cpp:

#include "string.hpp"
#include <cassert>
#include <iostream>

int main ()
    // TEST
    String  str = "x";
    String str2 = "y";
    String result;
    result = str+str2;
    std::cout<< str << " " << str2 << " " <<result<<std::endl;
    // VERIFY
    assert(result == "xy");

   // TEST
    String  str = "xyz";
    String str2 = "abc";
    String result;
    result = str+str2;
    // VERIFY
    assert(result == "xyzabc");
    // TEST
    String  str = "qlW3KSqbFk";
    String str2 = "f6iSmJhRTl";
    String result;
    result = str+str2;
    // VERIFY
    assert(result == "qlW3KSqbFkf6iSmJhRTl");

    // TEST
    String  str = "lZ8kmGDuKeqzqPOmvthx94jQQg46C8";
    String str2 = "SgiwD";
    String result;
    result = str+str2;
    // VERIFY
    assert(result == "lZ8kmGDuKeqzqPOmvthx94jQQg46C8SgiwD");
std::cout << "Done testing Concatination Constructor." << std::endl;

In: Computer Science

Garcia's Truckin' Inc. is considering the purchase of a new production machine for ​$150,000. The purchase...

Garcia's Truckin' Inc. is considering the purchase of a new production machine for ​$150,000. The purchase of this machine will result in an increase in earnings before interest and taxes of ​$40,000 per year. To operate the machine​ properly, workers would have to go through a brief training session that would cost ​$7,000 after taxes. It would cost ​$4,000 to install the machine properly.​ Also, because this machine is extremely​ efficient, its purchase would necessitate an increase in inventory of ​$15,000. This machine has an expected life of 10 ​years, after which it will have no salvage value.​ Finally, to purchase the new​ machine, it appears that the firm would have to borrow​ $100,000 at 12 percent interest from its local​ bank, resulting in additional interest payments of ​$12,000 per year. Assume simplified​ straight-line depreciation and that the machine is being depreciated down to​ zero, a 35 percent marginal tax​ rate, and a required rate of return of 15 percent.

a. What is the initial outlay associated with this​ project?

b. What are the annual​ after-tax cash flows associated with this project for years 1 through​ 9?

c. What is the terminal cash flow in year 10 (what is the annual​ after-tax cash flow in year 10 plus any additional cash flows associated with the termination of the​ project)?

d. Should the machine be​ purchased?

In: Finance

Max’s Experience I never thought that I would be at risk for cardiovascular disease. For one...

Max’s Experience

I never thought that I would be at risk for cardiovascular disease. For one thing, I’m still young—only 20. For another, I’ve always been pretty healthy. When colds and flu go around, I don’t usually catch them. I have never been a smoker. And also, because I used to play sports in high school, I still thought of myself as active and athletic. But the truth is that after I came to college I wasn’t involved in sports anymore and I didn’t really get any exercise. Once in a great while some friends and I would toss around a Frisbee. For one of my classes, I had to climb a couple flights of stairs to get to the classroom and I would find that I was really out of breath, which told me I was not in very good shape anymore. During a physical exam, when my doctor did a blood test, I was surprised to learn that I had high cholesterol. I had also gained 11 pounds since high school. Along with my lack of exercise, the fact that I ate pepperoni pizza regularly, ate fruits and vegetables only once in a blue moon, and my grandfather having had a heart attack when he was only 50 put me in the high-risk category for coronary heart disease. Getting those results was really a wake-up call for me. I took the time when I was taking the Lifetime Wellness class to really focus on trying to reduce my risk. I began working out and tried to reverse my eating habits—pizza and fast food only once in a while, and fruits, vegetables, fish, and other healthy foods often. Now, a year later, my cholesterol levels are just about normal. I have lost weight, exercise regularly, and eat pretty healthy most of the time. The risk analysis now shows that I am at a low risk for heart disease. I know these changes have made me healthier and most likely I have added years to my life.

Critical Thinking Questions

1. What risk factors for coronary heart disease was Max exhibiting at the beginning of his story? Which of the risk factors were out of his control and which were changeable?

2. What do you think was the most significant change Max made, and why?

3. What risk factors might contribute to your own possibility of developing coronary heart disease, and what can you do about them?

In: Operations Management

**Keil uVision5 - ARM Cortex M0+ - Embedded C programming Modify the program below so that...

**Keil uVision5 - ARM Cortex M0+ - Embedded C programming

Modify the program below so that the Red, Green, and Blue LEDs are switched ON and OFF in a sequence with one second delay for Red and Green LEDs, and 0.5 second delay for the Blue LED.

 #include "MKL25Z4.h"
        void delay(int n);
        int main (void) {
        SIM_SCGC5 |= SIM_SCGC5_PORTB(1); /* enable clock to Port B */
        PORTB_PCR18 |=PORT_PCR_MUX(1);   /* Configure PORTB ,pin 18 as GPIO ; set MUX*/
        GPIOB_PDDR=(1UL << 18);    /* make PORTB ,pin 18 as output pin */
                while (1) {
  GPIOB_PCOR = (1UL << 18);               /* turn ON Red LED for one sec */
        GPIOB_PSOR = (1UL << 18);         /* turn OFF Red LED for one sec*/
        /* Delay function for 100 ms    */
        void delay(int n) {
  int i,j;
        for(i = 0 ; i < n; i++)
        for (j = 0; j < 349500; j++) {}

In: Computer Science

why do forensic psychologists act as an expert witness?

why do forensic psychologists act as an expert witness?

In: Psychology

Derivatives are contracts enabling both buyers and sellers to execute a future transaction at a price...

Derivatives are contracts enabling both buyers and sellers to execute a future transaction at a price determined at the outset of the derivatives contract. Please answer the following questions.

  1. What is the difference between a call and put option?
  2. What does the exercise - -or strike price denote?
  3. Of the five inputs used on the Black-Scholes model, please list three of the most important inputs used in the model.  
  4. What happens to the call-option premium when the strike price begins to rise (Assuming that there are no changes to the other variables in the Black-Scholes model)?

In: Finance

BOOK - CONTEMPORARY CANADIAN BUSINESS LAW Chapter 14 - Breach of Contract and Remedies, Page 260,...


Chapter 14 - Breach of Contract and Remedies, Page 260, Case 3

Trebic was a skilled cabinetmaker of European ancestry. Moldeva, who had emigrated to Canada from the same country, requested him to build a set of kitchen cupboards “in the old-country style.” The two men discussed the general appearance desired, then Trebic drew up a list of materials that he required to construct the cupboards. Moldeva obtained the necessary lumber and supplies for Trebic, then took his family on a vacation. On his return, Moldeva found the work completed, and admired the craftsmanship and design that Trebic had exhibited in the making of the cabinets. Trebic had carefully carved the “old-country designs” on the trim boards. He had skillfully constructed the drawers and cabinets using wooden dowels, rather than nails, again in accordance with “old-country” tradition. In the execution of this skill he had used only hand tools, and then only the tools used by “old-country” craftsmen in the cabinet-making trade. In every detail, the cabinets were “old-country style.” When Moldeva indicated that he was completely satisfied with the cabinets, Trebic submitted his account in the amount of $4,800. The sum represented 120 hours work at $40 per hour, the normal rate charged by skilled cabinetmakers in the area. Moldeva, who was a building contractor himself, objected to the amount of Trebic’s account. He stated that carpenters in his shop could manufacture kitchen cabinets of the general size and shape of those made by Trebic in only a few days’ time. He offered Trebic $800 as payment in full. Trebic refused to accept the $800 offer and brought an action against Moldeva on the $4,800 account. Discuss the possible arguments of the parties. Render a decision.

In: Operations Management