In: Civil Engineering
Arrive at the size of the rectangular RCC footing for a column of size 300 mm × 450 mm supporting an axial service load of 1200 kN. The SBC of soil is 200 kN/m2. Take M30 grade concrete, Fe415 steel, the angle of internal friction of soil is 300 and unit weight of soil is 19 kN/m3.
Answer) To arrive at the size of the rectangular footing we have
Area of the footing = (Dead load of structure, footing and surcharge + live load on column or wall)/ safe bearing capacity of the soil.
we are given axial Service load on column =1200KN
Dead load of structure, footing and surcharge is not given but they are generally considered as 10%of the load on column = 0.10*1200=120KN
Safe Bearing capacity of the soil is given = 200KN/m2
Now Area of footing is given by= (120+1200)/200
Area of footing =6.6m2
As no restricton is given on length and breadth of the footing we can Assume any size for footing (say) L=1.2B
1.2B2 =6.6
B2= 5.5
and L= 1.2*2.35
Approximate depth of foundation is given by Df=
Where qa = Safe Bearing capacity of the soil is given = 200KN/m2
unit weight of the soil =19KN/m3
Angle of internal friction of soil = 30
Use footing of 2.82m x 2.35m of footing at a depth of 1.17m.