Compare and contrast the major types of anxiety disorders. In
what ways are they similar? How...
Compare and contrast the major types of anxiety disorders. In
what ways are they similar? How do they differ from one
Expert Solution
There are different anxiety disorders.Some of them have been
Generalized Anxiety Disorder basically refers to persistent
worry,restlessness and having trouble in concentration to carry out
the normal life routines.The constant worry could be about
anything,family related,work related,financial matters,health
Social anxiety disorder experience anxiety related with social
situations,they have a fear of being negatively evaluated by
others,which why such people avoid meeting people or going to
social gathering.
Both GAD and SAD involve experiencing physical symptoms,like
nausea,dizziness,trembling,sweating etc. due to anxiety and also
catastrophizing about the worst case scenario.Both these disorders
can also co-occur leading to depression as well.
Obsessive compulsive disorder involves recurring and unwanted
thoughts called obsessions which make the person engage in
ritualistic behaviours to deal with the anxiety called
compulsions.It is different from GAD,because people experiencing
generalized anxiety experience worry throughout theday over minor
issues as well,while someone suffering from OCD is obsessing over a
specific anxiety producing thought like,fear of contamination and
focusing excessive attention on it.
People with GAD have persistent worry but they dont indulge in
compulsive behaviours like how people with OCD do.
OCD also has co-morbidity with panic disorder.Panic disorder
involves sudden feelings of intense fear and threat when there is
no real danger present.It involves unexpected and sudden panic
attacks and the person misinterprets their physical symptoms like
heart beat racing to be having a heart attack.
People with OCD also experience panic attacks,including
sweating,rapid hearbeat,dizziness,weakeness in limbs etc.and feel
they cannot control themselves .
Pick one of the major psychological disorders we learn about
this week (Mood Disorders, Anxiety Disorders, Posttraumatic Stress
Disorder, Dissociative Disorders, Personality Disorders). Given
what we know about the different types of therapy, how would you go
about treating the disorder? Please be sure to explain your
reasoning. Do you feel this type of therapy is generally the best?
1.Many people suffer from anxiety disorders. How can anxiety
disorders impact one’s life? What is Posttraumatic Stress Disorder
(PTSD)? What are the symptoms? How does it interfere with an
individual's functioning? Not all treatments are equal, so what are
the effective treatment interventions
2.How do behavior therapists apply principles of operant
conditioning in behavior modification
7) Compare and contrast (that means tell me how they are
similar AND how they are different) gene regulation mechanisms in
prokaryotes and eukaryotes. Explain why regulation is more complex
in multicellular eukaryotic organisms as compared to prokaryotic
organisms by providing examples of eukaryotic gene regulation
mechanisms (you don’t have to give me all the steps, just the
Compare and contrast (that means tell me how they are similar
AND how they are
different) gene regulation mechanisms in prokaryotes and
eukaryotes. explain why
regulation is more complex in multicellular eukaryotic
organisms as compared to
prokaryotic organisms by providing examples of eukaryotic gene
regulation mechanisms
(you don’t have to give me all the steps, just the
please answer with fine detail, will rate high :-)
1) Compare and contrast the decorator and the
strategy patterns. How are they similar? How are
they different?
2) Why are referential equality and the instance of
operators a problem for decorators?