
In: Psychology

Define an anxiety disorder? What are some of the types of anxiety disorders?

Define an anxiety disorder as opposed to normal anxiety? What are some of the types of anxiety disorders?


Expert Solution

As opposed to occasional anxiety and discomfort when faced with important occasions in life, an anxiety disorder is characterized by existence of  over the top, disproportionate and irrational worry or fear that is above and beyond the regular nervous feelings or discomfort. It is long term, can get worse and interferes with daily life functioning and well-being. It is thus totally abnormal. 

Some of the types of anxiety disorders are:

Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD): A mental disorder in the anxiety disorder category, characterized by constant worry and fear that are hard to control, being restless, irritable and on the edge, difficulty in concentration, sleep problems etc. 

Social anxiety disorder: Also called social phobia it is characterized by intense nervousness and discomfort in social situations and gatherings. They worry about being embarrased and negative evaluation by others and thus try to avoid social situations. 


Panic Disorder: Panic disorder is characterized  by sudden periods of intense worry and fear that are totally irrational. Panic attacks can vary in frequency and symptoms at the time of attack include sweating, pounding heart, feeling of unmanageable and imminent doom.

Agoraphobia: Agoraphobia is an anxiety disorder characterized by intense fear of being trapped in situations that will overwhelm like crowded places, open/close spaces, public transportation etc. 

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