In: Psychology
There are 4 members of the Smith family. They are as follows: Mom; college professor of Mathematics, 45 years old, described by her co-workers as introverted, driven and serious, considered Head of the Household and breadwinner of the family. Dad: works in the oil field, home every two weeks for two weeks and then gone again for the following two weeks, high school drop-out, 40 years old, considerably overweight therefore is contemplating retirement and starting a new business with less wear and tear on his body. Greg: 21 years old, last year of college/fraternity life, athlete who struggled with grades his entire life and not motivated to get a job yet – will most likely move back in with his parents after he graduates. He also suffers from insomnia and takes drugs to ‘self medicate’. Emma: 16 year old in the band in high school, slightly overweight, Honor roll student her entire life and wants to attend Harvard like her mother did (she even started talking and walking earlier than ‘normal’ – such an overachiever!).
What are the dynamics of this family? Choose at least 5 concepts to talk about.
Family dynamics are the patterns of relating, interactoin between family members. The are some positive as well as some negative dynmics in every family. The five family dynamics are as follows.
1) There is some lack of motivation among the family members. Everybody is not motivated and is not cheeerful either. Mom is introvert, father is not happy with his work, so is Greg struggling and Emma is not knowing other aspects of the life.
2) There is lack of bonding. Husband and wife I think are not sharng close and fun bond. Hence they are not sharing with their kids either. The sibblings are also not holding harmonious bond between each other.There is no sharing of problems, members can be just aware about it but there is no emotional sharing.
3) All probably have medical problems, they are not taking care of their own health as well as helath of each other. Father and Emma are overweight, Greg is suffering from insomnia and taking drugs to self medicate. Mom is serious by nature.
4) There is no input of money, since mom is the only bread winner. That might be the reason why father is depressed.
5) Children are following their parents as per gender. Since father is not stable with his work, there is no motivation that Greg is finding to work He has seen his mom being a bread winner and not his father. Emma also wants to earn just like her mother, that is the reason why she is imitating her mother.