
In: Psychology

In " International Communication " written by Daya Thussu , ) In a well-developed paragraph, do...

In " International Communication " written by Daya Thussu , ) In a well-developed paragraph, do you believe the globalization of communication and culture made us more cosmopolitan? If so, how do you explain the importance of cultural and religious identities?


Expert Solution

Present time is the time of advanced communication. Various methods are available through which effective communications can be established over a large distances. We remain connected on social media. We can video call and online conferencing can be done.

All these are basically connecting us from diverse parts of world on hourly and minute basis. We can work 24*7. People are becoming global citizens. They are working in one part of world and can remain connected with their family members in another part of world.

Cultures are intermixing with each other. It is also increasing the business and various job opportunities across the globe. Enhanced transportation also supports this process of globalization. International trade is approaching in a positive direction.

Exchange of idea are also becoming feasible with an ease. In this whole process of globalization; there is need to maintain our identity. If we maintain our cultural and religious identity then only we can live a progressive life.

If we leave our traditions and culture behind then we become a changed and lost personality. We loose our personality and become a part of common crowd. This is not good. Uniqueness of identity should be preserved.

If we remain connected with our roots then only we can expect something from our own people. We should adopt the positive aspects of other culture without loosing the specialty of our own culture. Our identity provides us an unique spot in society. It also provides a meaningful method to interact with other people.

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