
In: Accounting

What are the major features of a successful ethics training program and communication systems? Provide at...

What are the major features of a successful ethics training program and communication systems? Provide at least with 1 (one) example of a company with strong employee ethics training.

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Expert Solution

Ethial environment means where the values and morale have plaec within an organisation. It helps to keep the employee self motivated, rentation level among employees is less, keep the productivve employees and customer remain loyal with the organisation.

With ethical training programme and communication system:

It helps to Contro the organisation

Monitor the activities of the employees as well as of the organisation

Improves the performance of the organsiation

Company with code and policy in respect of ethics and communiations employeebehaviour and loyality is also higher as compared to thise companies who dont have.

In respect of example: TATA Group share the best example for ethics training programme.

Simply putting code of conduct within the orgainsation will not play a major role same is need to be exercised and proactively participate in such activities. Such activities need to be communicated within the organisation. Train them and educate them and motivate them to participate and same should be intergrated with hotlines and followed over a period of time. Becasue such cultured need time to develop over a period of time.

Simply putting ethical training programme an dcommunication system with respect to the same is not that effective will not hit the programme. It means both Ethical training programe and communication sysytem need to be that much efficient in same manner in order to keep the ehical programme alive within the robust organisation. It helps to keep the changes in control as required in ethical environment in order to acheive organisational objectivity. Promotional activity for employees. It is required to highligh those kind of gestures within the organsiation also. providing non monetary benefit. It is practiced uniformly within the organsiation right from operational level to the top level also.

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