In: Statistics and Probability
How many potential sources of systematic variation would there be in an Analysis of Variance Summary Table for a 3 X 3 complex design?
The standard error of estimate is the square root of the mean
square of the residual error
The mean residual is always zero.
The standard deviation of the residual will be the standard error of estimate = 7.94 (as calculated above).
A 95% interval corresponds to the range of (0.025, 0.975). We look up a z-table to get the corresponding z-factor of 1.96.
So, about 95% of the residuals will lie in the range of
So, about 95% of the residuals will lie between -15.56 and 15.56.
The coefficient of multiple determination is calculated as the square root of the ratio of the sum of squares regression and the sum of squares total.
The percentage variation for the independent variables will be given by:
c. The coefficient of multiple determination adjusted is given by: