
In: Biology

7. A patient comes to you complaining about her inability to digest fats properly. She would...

7. A patient comes to you complaining about her inability to digest fats properly. She would like you to explain to her where they are digested at each stage, and what accessory organs are involved.(Answer in detail please)


Expert Solution


30-35percent of our calories come from fatsout which less than 7 percent is saturated fats ( 300mg is normal cholesterol required in our body daily)

Fat composition= fats in diet are water insoluble form mainly TRIGYLCERIDE, PHOSPHOLIPIDS, CHOLESTEROL ESTERS

Triglyceride consists of 3 fatty acida and gylcerol and depending upon the number of carbon atoms it can be=

1) long chain fatty acids(LCFA)= digested via micelles formation

2) short chain fatty acids(SCFA)= not normally present in our diet

3) medium chain fatty acids(MCFA)= goes straight ( no micelle required)


***MOUTH= digestion of LCFA in mouth by salivary lipas leads to TASTE of food sensation but food doesnt stay in oral cavity .therefore not much digestion.

**STOMACH= 20 percent digestion occur via gastric lipase

Main digestion starts after that ** INTESTINAL DIGESTION which occurs in 6 steps

1) luminal phase= fatty acids in food stimulate release of CCK enzyme from duodenum which causes ** release of pancretic juice ** contracts gall bladder and relaxes sphincter of ODDI so that bile flows into intestine.

Step 2) FAT SOLUBILISATION= bile acids and salts combine with dietary fats to form MICELLES which conatin cholesterol and fat soluble viatmins.

Step 3) DIGESTION= pancretic lipase cleave sthe LCFA yieldiing monogylcerides and fatty acids.

Step4) ABSORPTION= Micelles diffuses to brush border of enterocytes. Within brush border, LCFA binds to proteins which transports fatty acids into cells.

Step 5) RE-Esterification = with enterocyte , fatty acids resterified to form triglyceride which combine with cholesterol esters, phospholipids and apoproteins to form chylomicrons.

Step6) TRANSPORT= chylomicrons cleave the enterocytes by exocytosis and enter mesenteric lumphatics and through thoracic duct enters systemic circulation.

Note= please rate the question

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