In: Biology
Mammalogy: Compare and contrast
Cladistic grouping
Mammalogy - Study and observation of mammals.It includes various disciplined areas anatomy,taxanomy,ecology and physiology.
Homoplasy - A character between two or more animals, which is not arised from their ancestors.
Parallelism - The two unrelated organisms with similar morphological characteristics,even they are not belong to same common ancestor.
Convergence - Different organisms independently evolve similar traits, results of adapting certain environmental conditions or ecological niche.
Phylogeny - Study of genetically related group of organisms as it is distinguished from the development of the individual organism.
Cladistic grouping - Categorize the organisms based on its shared traits.
Homoplasy,parallelism,convergence,phylogeny and cladistic analysis are the terms used in study about the inheritance of traits but the term mammalogy is about the study of particular group of organisms (mammals).