
In: Computer Science

Please complete following c++ code asap using following prototypes complete each missing part / Linked list...

Please complete following c++ code asap

using following prototypes complete each missing part

/ Linked list operations
int getLength() const {return length;}
void insertNode(College);
bool deleteNode(string);
void displayList() const;
bool searchList(string, College &) const;


  Build and procees a sorted linked list of College objects.
The list is sorted in ascending order by the college code.
Assume that the college code is unique.
#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include "LinkedList.h"

using namespace std;

void buildList(const string &filename, LinkedList &list);
void deleteManager(LinkedList &list);
void searchManager(const LinkedList &list);
void displayManager(const LinkedList &list);

int main()

string inputFileName = "colleges.txt";
LinkedList list;

buildList(inputFileName, list);
return 0;

This function reads data about colleges from a file and inserts them
into a sorted linked list. The list is sorted in ascending order by code
void buildList(const string &filename, LinkedList &list)
ifstream fin(filename);
cout << "Reading data from \"" << filename << "\"";

cout << "Error opening the input file: \""<< filename << "\"" << endl;

int rank, cost;
string code, name;

while(fin >> rank)
fin >> code;
fin.ignore(); // to ignore space in front of name
getline(fin, name, ';');
fin >> cost;
// create a College object and initialize it with data from file
College aCollege(rank, code, name, cost);
/* Write your code here: call insertNode */


Delete manager: delete items from the list until the user enters Q to quit
Input Parameter: list
void deleteManager(LinkedList &list)
string targetCode = "";

cout << "\n Delete\n";
cout << "=======\n";

while(targetCode != "Q")
cout << endl << "Enter a college code (or Q to stop deleting) : \n";
cin >> targetCode;
cout << endl;

if(targetCode != "Q")
if(/* Write your code here: call deleteNode */)
cout << targetCode << " has been deleted!\n";
cout << "College \"" << targetCode << "\" was not found in this list." << endl;
cout << "___________________END DELETE SECTION_____\n";

Search manager: search the list until the user enters Q to quit searching
Input Parameter: list
void searchManager(const LinkedList &list)
string targetCode = "";
College aCollege;

cout << "\n Search\n";
cout << "=======\n";

while(targetCode != "Q")
cout << "\nEnter a college code (or Q to stop searching) : \n";
cin >> targetCode;

if(targetCode != "Q")
if(/* Write your code here: call searchList */)
cout << "College \"" << targetCode << "\" was not found in this list." << endl;
cout << "___________________END SEARCH SECTION _____\n";

Display manager: diplay a header, formatted list content, and footer,
depending on the user's choice;
displays the number of nodes (always)
Input Parameter: list
void displayManager(const LinkedList &list)
string action;
cout << "\nDisplay list [Y/N]? ";
cin >> action;

if(action == "Y" || action == "y")
cout << "\n====== ==== ============================= =========\n"
<< " Code Rank Name Cost \n"
<< "====== ==== ============================= =========\n";
/* Write your code here: call displayList */
cout << "====== ==== ============================= =========\n";
cout << "Number of colleges in this list: " << /* Write your code here: call getLength */ endl;


Expert Solution

Linked list operations :

int getLength() const {return length;}
void insertNode(College);
bool deleteNode(string);
void displayList() const;
bool searchList(string, College &) const;

main.cpp :

Build and process a sorted linked list of College objects.
The list is sorted in ascending order by the college code.
Assume that the college code is unique.

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
#include <string>
#include "LinkedList.h"

using namespace std;

void buildList(const string &filename, LinkedList &list);
void deleteManager(LinkedList &list);
void searchManager(const LinkedList &list);
void displayManager(const LinkedList &list);

int main()

string inputFileName = "colleges.txt";
LinkedList list;

buildList(inputFileName, list);
return 0;

This function reads data about colleges from a file and inserts them
into a sorted linked list. The list is sorted in ascending order by code

void buildList(const string &filename, LinkedList &list)
ifstream fin(filename);
cout << "Reading data from \"" << filename << "\"";

cout << "Error opening the input file: \""<< filename << "\"" << endl;

int rank, cost;
string code, name;

while(fin >> rank)
fin >> code;
fin.ignore(); // to ignore space in front of name
getline(fin, name, ';');
fin >> cost;

// create a College object and initialize it with data from file
College aCollege(rank, code, name, cost);

list.insertNode(aCollege); // The list object of LinkedList calls insert method to insert College object  in the sorted order of the code


Delete manager: delete items from the list until the user enters Q to quit
Input Parameter: list

void deleteManager(LinkedList &list)
string targetCode = "";

cout << "\n Delete\n";
cout << "=======\n";

while(targetCode != "Q")
cout << endl << "Enter a college code (or Q to stop deleting) : \n";
cin >> targetCode;
cout << endl;

if(targetCode != "Q")
if(list.deleteNode(targetCode)==true) // The list object of LinkedList calls delete method to delete College object of given code and returns true if code is present // otherwise  returns false
cout << targetCode << " has been deleted!\n";
cout << "College \"" << targetCode << "\" was not found in this list." << endl;
cout << "___________________END DELETE SECTION_____\n";

Search manager: search the list until the user enters Q to quit searching
Input Parameter: list

void searchManager(const LinkedList &list)
string targetCode = "";
College aCollege;

cout << "\n Search\n";
cout << "=======\n";

while(targetCode != "Q")
cout << "\nEnter a college code (or Q to stop searching) : \n";
cin >> targetCode;

if(targetCode != "Q")
if(list.searchList(targetCode, College(0, targetCode, "", 0))== true) // The list object of LinkedList calls searchlist method for given code and College object
cout << "College \"" << targetCode << "\" was not found in this list." << endl;
cout << "___________________END SEARCH SECTION _____\n";

Display manager: diplay a header, formatted list content, and footer,
depending on the user's choice;
displays the number of nodes (always)
Input Parameter: list

void displayManager(const LinkedList &list)
string action;
cout << "\nDisplay list [Y/N]? ";
cin >> action;

if(action == "Y" || action == "y")
cout << "\n====== ==== ============================= =========\n"
<< " Code Rank Name Cost \n"
<< "====== ==== ============================= =========\n";
list.displayList() // The list object of LinkedList calls the display method to display College objects in the sorted order of the code
cout << "====== ==== ============================= =========\n";
cout << "Number of colleges in this list: " << /* Write your code here: call getLength */ endl;

Explanation :

  • I have assumed that the prototypes of the linked list functions are inbuilt as they are not specified if built or not.
  • list.insertNode(aCollege) :  The list object calls insert method of the LinkedList class to insert provided parameter "aCollege" object of the College type.
  • list.deleteNode(targetCode): The list object calls the delete method of the LinkedList class to delete College having provided parameter "targetCode" of the string type. It returns true if College of the provided code is present and deleted otherwise if College of the provided code is not present or not deleted it returns false.
  • if(list.deleteNode(targetCode)==true) : So if the method list.deleteNode(targetCode) returns true if block is executed otherwise else block is executed.
  • list.searchList(targetCode, College(0, targetCode, "", 0)) : The list object calls searchList method of the LinkedList class to search College having provided parameter "targetCode" of the string type as the first parameter. Here, we have provided second parameter of type College by passing constructor of College Class with dummy values with rank = 0, code = targetCode, cost = 0 , name = "" . It returns true if College of the provided code is present and deleted otherwise if College of the provided code is not present or not deleted it returns false.
  • if(list.searchList(targetCode, College(0, targetCode, "", 0))== true) : So if the method list.searchList(targetCode, College(0, targetCode, "", 0)) returns true if block is executed otherwise else block is executed.
  • list.displayList() : The list object calls display method of the LinkedList class to display details of all Colleges of College type present in the list.

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