
In: Computer Science

*In C++ Please! This problem uses the concept of linked list What is a C++ structure?...

*In C++ Please! This problem uses the concept of linked list

  1. What is a C++ structure? Store product-id, product-name, and price per unit in a C++ structure. Use a C++ class with a member variable of that structure and provide read and write member functions for the product details.

  2. Suppose the product names are stored in alphabetical order, Write the C++ insert function to insert a new product ‘tooth brush’ in that linked list.

  3. Suppose the product names are stored in alphabetical order, Write the C++ delete function to remove product ‘tooth brush’ in that linked list.

  4. Suppose the product names are stored in alphabetical order, Write the C++ count function to display the number of products in that linked list


Expert Solution

#include <iostream>

#include <string>

#include <fstream>

using namespace std;

struct node{ string name;

node *next;


node *A = NULL;

void addnode(string newname){ node *add, *last, *current;

add = new node;

add->name = newname;

if (A == NULL){

add->next = A;

A = add;



current = A;

last = A;

while (current && current->name < newname)


last = current;

current = current->next;


if (current == A){

/* Insert before 1st node */ add->next = A;

A = add;



/* Insert between last and current or at the end of the list */

last->next = add;

add->next = current;




void deleteName(string name) {

node *curr;

node *nextNode;

curr = A;

nextNode = curr;


if(curr -> next -> name == name){

nextNode = curr -> next;

curr -> next = nextNode -> next;




void display() {

node *curr;

curr = A;

while(curr){ if(A == NULL){



cout << A->name << endl;

A = A->next;



int main(){ int input, count;

count = 0;

ifstream dataFile;"Data.txt");

string item;

string name;



dataFile >> item;




cout << "1. Display the linked list\n";

cout << "2. Display the length of the list\n";

cout << "3. Delete name from the list\n";

cout << "4. display the length of a section of the list\n";

cout << "5. Print out section of list\n";

cin >> input;

switch (input) { case 1: display();


case 2: cout << "There are " << count - 1 << " names in the list\n";


case 3: cout << "Type in the name that you want to be deleted: ";

cin >> name;




case 4: break;

case 5: break;



return 0; }

alphabetic order

#include <iostream>

#include <string>

#include <fstream>

using namespace std;

struct nodeType


string info;

nodeType *link;



void createList(nodeType*& first, nodeType*& last);

void printList(nodeType*& first, nodeType*& last);

int main()



nodeType *first, *last;

string words;



ifstream inData;

ofstream outData;







return 0;


void createList(nodeType*& first, nodeType*& last)


ifstream inData("input.txt");

string words;

int emptyList;

nodeType *newNode;


first = NULL;

last = NULL;


while(inData >> words)


newNode = new nodeType; // create new node

newNode->info = words;

newNode->link = NULL;


if (first == NULL)


first = newNode;

last = newNode;




last->link = newNode;

last = newNode;






void printList(nodeType*& first,nodeType*& last) // print words in alphabetical order



ofstream outData("output.txt");


nodeType *current=first;

nodeType *alphab = NULL;



current->link = alphab;

last = current;

alphab= last;


while (current != NULL)



outData << current->info <<endl;

current = current->link;



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