
In: Computer Science

write code to manage a linked list using recursive approach. (Using this code) C++ IN Unix....

write code to manage a linked list using recursive approach. (Using this code) C++ IN Unix.

// app.cpp

#include <iostream>
#include "linkedlist.h"

using namespace std;

void find(LinkedList& list, char ch)
   if (list.find(ch))
       cout << "found ";
       cout << "did not find ";
   cout << ch << endl;

int main()
   LinkedList   list;

   cout << list;
   find(list, 'y');

   cout << list;
   find(list, 'y');

   cout << list;
   find(list, 'y');

   cout << list;
   find(list, 'y');

   return 0;



#ifndef _LINKED_LIST_
#define _LINKED_LIST_

#include <ostream>

class LinkedList

   void add(char ch);
   bool find(char ch);
   bool del(char ch);

   friend std::ostream& operator<<(std::ostream& out, LinkedList& list);

#endif // _LINKED_LIST_


CC = g++
CPPFLAGS = -Wall -g -std=c++11

app:           app.o linkedlist.o

app.o:           linkedlist.h

linkedlist.o:       linkedlist.h

.PHONY:   clean
clean:           # clean the directory
           $(info -- cleaning the directory --)
           rm -f *.o
           rm -f app


Expert Solution

// Recursive CPP program to recursively insert

// a node and recursively print the list.

#include <bits/stdc++.h>

using namespace std;

struct Node {

    int data;

    Node* next;


// Allocates a new node with given data

Node *newNode(int data)


    Node *new_node = new Node;

    new_node->data = data;

    new_node->next = NULL;

    return new_node;


// Function to insert a new node at the

// end of linked list using recursion.

Node* insertEnd(Node* head, int data)


    // If linked list is empty, create a

    // new node (Assuming newNode() allocates

    // a new node with given data)

    if (head == NULL)

         return newNode(data);

    // If we have not reached end, keep traversing

    // recursively.


        head->next = insertEnd(head->next, data);

    return head;


void traverse(Node* head)


    if (head == NULL)



    // If head is not NULL, print current node

    // and recur for remaining list   

    cout << head->data << " ";



// Driver code

int main()


    Node* head = NULL;

    head = insertEnd(head, 6);

    head = insertEnd(head, 8);

    head = insertEnd(head, 10);

    head = insertEnd(head, 12);

    head = insertEnd(head, 14);



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