In: Electrical Engineering
consider In1 , In2 , In3 , In4 , In5 to be the inputs of 5-input NAND gate.
The figure below shows the capacitors in order to find rise and fall time
in above fig if In1 = In3 = In4 = In5 =1 . In2 =0. In2 switches from low to high. hence n-mos transistors except with input In1 remaining all are already discharges to ground. In order for Vout to go from high to low Vout node and node 2 must be discharged.
Cload = Cgd6 + Cgd7 + 2Cgd8 + Cgd9 + Cgd10 + Cdb6+ Cdb7 + Cdb8 + Cdb9 + Cdb10 + Cgd1 + Cgs1 + Cdb1 +Csb1 + 2Cgd2 + 2Cdb2 + Cw
note: the vale of C load for calculating propagation delay depends on which capacitance's need to discharged or charged when the critical signal arrives.
to find rise time
1. worst case rise time is given by : tr = 0.69 * Rp *CL
2. best case rise time is given by : tr = 0.69 * Rp /2 *CL
to find fall time : tf = 0.69 * Rn *CL
logical effort:
logical effort of the entire gate is the ratio of its output logic effort to the sum of its input logic efforts.
the logical effort of the output of gate is sum of the widths of all transistors whose source or drain is in contact with the output node. the logical effort of each input to the gate is sum of the widths of all transistors whose gate is in contact with that input node.
for 5-input NAND gate the logical effort is
in general the logical effort for NAND gate is given by
; where n is the number of inputs.