
In: Electrical Engineering

question#1: Write instructions to toggle bits Bit0 of PORTB assuming the PORTB is already initialized as...

question#1: Write instructions to toggle bits Bit0 of PORTB assuming the PORTB is already initialized as an output port.

question#2: The following unsigned integer readings are stored in data register starting from REG10 (address 10H). Data (H): 40, 45, 4A, 32, 52, 38, 3A, 44 Write a program that finds the average temperature. Simulate your program in PIC18 IDE Simulator and attach a screenshot of your simulation while the program is running.


Expert Solution

STATUS         equ       03h                 ;Address of the STATUS register

TRISB equ       86h                 ;Address of the tristate register for port B

PORTB equ       06h                 ;Address of Port B

COUNT1        equ       08h                 ;First counter for our delay loops

COUNT2        equ       09h                 ;Second counter for our delay loops

;****Set up the port****
bsf                   STATUS,5       ;Switch to Bank 1                        

movlw              00h    ;Set the Port A pins                        

movwf              TRISB ;to output.                        

bcf                   STATUS,5       ;Switch back to Bank 0

;****Turn the LED on****
Start    movlw               01h                   ;Turn the LED on by first putting                        

   movwf               PORTB    ;it into the w register and then on the port

;****Start of the delay loop 1****
Loop1    decfsz COUNT1,1       ;Subtract 1 from 255                     

goto    Loop1              ;If COUNT is zero, carry on.                     

decfsz    COUNT2,1 ;Subtract 1 from 255                     

goto    Loop1    ;Go back to the start of our loop.

   ;This delay counts down from 255 to zero, 255 times

;****Delay finished, now turn the LED off****

   movlw              00h                     ;Turn the LED off by first putting                    

   movwf              PORTB    ;it into the w register and then on the port

;****Add another delay****

decfsz             COUNT1,1           ;This second loop keeps the

goto                 Loop2                   ;LED turned off long enough for                    

decfsz             COUNT2,1           ;us to see it turned off                   

goto                 Loop2                   ;

;****Now go back to the start of the program
   goto                 Start                       ;go back to Start and turn LED on again

;****End of the program****
   end    ;Needed by some compilers, and also just in case we miss the goto instruction.

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