
In: Computer Science

Please add a statement that requires a number in the password to the following code: #Lab...

Please add a statement that requires a number in the password to the following code:

#Lab on functions
#By Abi Santo

def get_first_and_last_names():
first = input("Enter your first name: ")
last = input("Enter your last name: ")
return (first.lower(), last.lower())

def create_username(name_list):
uname = name_list[0] +"." + name_list[1]
return uname

def create_password():
passwd = input("Create a new password: ")

#make sure the password has atleast 8 characters
while len(passwd)<8:
print("Fool of a Took! That password is feeble!")
passwd = input("Create a new password: ")

while passwd.lower() == passwd:
print("The password must contain at least one uppercase character")
passwd = input("Create a new password: ")

print("The force is strong in this one...")
print("Your password has been accepted.")
return passwd

def main():
#Get user's first and last name
first_last_name_list = get_first_and_last_names()

#create a username using the first and last name
username = create_username(first_last_name_list)

#ask the user to create a new password
password = create_password()

print("Account configured. Your new email address is: ", username + "")

please use python


Expert Solution

code analysis:

After giving first name and last name.....

If we give "pavan" as passwd. It did not accept since it has less than 8 characters.

Then we give...."pavankumar" as passwd. Since it has atleast 8 moved on to check whether it has an uppercase character. since it does not..program asked for passwd again.

At this stage I gave "Pavan". The program accepted.though there are less than 8 characters. It's actually worng.


def get_first_and_last_names():

first = input("Enter your first name: ")

last = input("Enter your last name: ")

return (first.lower(), last.lower())

def create_username(name_list):

uname = name_list[0] +"." + name_list[1]

return uname

def create_password():

passwd = input("Create a new password: ")


flag_digit = False

length = len(passwd)

upper_check = (passwd.lower() == passwd)

for symbol in passwd:

if symbol.isdigit():

flag_digit = True

#make sure the password has atleast 8 characters. Otherwise read passwd again from user and check from initial condition

if length < 8:

print("Fool of a Took! That password is feeble!")

passwd = input("Create a new password: ")


#If the passwd has 8 characters. Make sure the passwd also has an upper case character: Otherwise read passwd again from user and check from initial condition

elif upper_check == True:

print("The password must contain at least one uppercase character")

passwd = input("Create a new password: ")


#If the passwd has 8 characters and an uppercase character make sure it also has digit. Otherwise read passwd again from user and check from initial condition

elif flag_digit == False:

print("Password should contain atleast one digit")

passwd = input("Create a new password: ")


#If it satisifies all the conditions...BREAK


print("The force is strong in this one...")


print("Your password has been accepted.")

return passwd

def main():

#Get user's first and last name

first_last_name_list = get_first_and_last_names()

#create a username using the first and last name

username = create_username(first_last_name_list)

#ask the user to create a new password

password = create_password()

print("Account configured. Your new email address is: ", username + "")


PLEASE....Rate....If you like the answer......

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