
In: Computer Science

IN C ++ PLEASE CODE FOR BUBBLE SORT---Add code to sort the bowlers. You have to...

IN C ++ PLEASE CODE FOR BUBBLE SORT---Add code to sort the bowlers. You have to sort their parallel data also. Print the sorted bowlers and all their info .

You can use a bubble sort or a shell sort. Make sure to adjust your code depending on whether or not you put data starting in row zero or row one.

Sort by Average across, lowest to highest.  The highest average should then be on the last row..

When you sort the average, you also have to move the names and scores, this is the reason you can't use a built-in sort.

Names                    score1 score2 score3 average score


Linus too good           100      23     210    111.00

Charlie brown              1       2      12      5.00

Snoopy                   300     300     100    233.33

Peperment Patty          223     300     221    248.00

Pig Pen                  234     123     212    189.67

Red Headed Girl          123     222     111    152.00

Marcey                     1       2       3      2.00

keith hallmark           222     300     180    234.00

anna hallmark            222     111     211    181.33

roxie hallmark           100     100       2     67.33

Average for first score:     152.60

Average for second score:    148.30

Average for third score:     126.20

248.0 was bowled by Peperment Patty

2.0 was bowled by Marcey


-After sort-

Names                    score1 score2 score3 average score


Marcey                     1       2       3      2.00

Charlie brown              1       2      12      5.00

roxie hallmark           100     100       2     67.33

Linus too good           100      23     210    111.00

Red Headed Girl          123     222     111    152.00

anna hallmark            222     111     211    181.33

Pig Pen                  234     123     212    189.67

Snoopy                   300     300     100    233.33

keith hallmark           222     300     180    234.00

Peperment Patty          223     300     221    248.00


Expert Solution

#include <iostream>

#include <iomanip>

#include <bits/stdc++.h>

#include <vector>

using namespace std;

class Bowler



string name;

double score1, score2, score3, avgScore;




this->name = "";

this->score1 = 0.0;

this->score2 = 0.0;

this->score3 = 0.0;

this->avgScore = 0.0;


Bowler(string name, double s1, double s2, double s3)


this->name = name;

this->score1 = s1;

this->score2 = s2;

this->score3 = s3;



string getName(){ return this->name; }

double getScore1(){ return this->score1; }

double getScore2(){ return this->score2; }

double getScore3(){ return this->score3; }

double getAvgScore(){ return this->avgScore; }

void calcAvgScore()


this->avgScore = (this->score1 + this->score2 + this->score3) / 3;



// function prototype

bool compare2Bowlers(Bowler a, Bowler b);

int main()


vector<Bowler> bowlers;

bowlers.push_back(Bowler("Linus too good", 100, 23, 210));

bowlers.push_back(Bowler("Charlie brown", 1, 2, 12));

bowlers.push_back(Bowler("Snoopy", 300, 300, 100));

bowlers.push_back(Bowler("Peperment Patty", 223, 300, 221));

bowlers.push_back(Bowler("Pig Pen", 234, 123, 212));

bowlers.push_back(Bowler("Red Headed Girl", 123, 222, 111));

bowlers.push_back(Bowler("Marcey", 1, 2, 3));

bowlers.push_back(Bowler("keith hallmark", 222, 300, 180));

bowlers.push_back(Bowler("anna hallmark", 222, 111, 211));

bowlers.push_back(Bowler("roxie hallmark", 100, 100, 2));

// print average of 1st, 2nd and 3rd scores

int count = 0;

double sum1 = 0, sum2 = 0, sum3 = 0;

for(int i = 0; i < bowlers.size(); i++)


sum1 += bowlers[i].getScore1();

sum2 += bowlers[i].getScore2();

sum3 += bowlers[i].getScore3();



cout << setprecision(2) << fixed;

cout << "\nAverage for first score: " << (sum1 / (double)count) << endl;

cout << "Average for second score: " << (sum2 / (double)count) << endl;

cout << "Average for third score: " << (sum3 / (double)count) << endl;

// display the highest and lowest scores

cout << setprecision(1) << fixed;

double max = bowlers[0].getAvgScore();

int maxIndex = -1;

for(int i = 0; i < bowlers.size(); i++)


if(bowlers[i].getAvgScore() > max)


max = bowlers[i].getAvgScore();

maxIndex = i;



cout << max << " was bowled by " << bowlers[maxIndex].getName() << endl;

double min = bowlers[0].getAvgScore();

int minIndex = -1;

for(int i = 0; i < bowlers.size(); i++)


if(bowlers[i].getAvgScore() < min)


min = bowlers[i].getAvgScore();

minIndex = i;



cout << min << " was bowled by " << bowlers[minIndex].getName() << endl;

// sort the array

sort(bowlers.begin(), bowlers.end(), compare2Bowlers);

// display the table

cout << endl << "- After sort -" << endl;

cout << setw(10) << "Name" << setw(30) << "Score 1" << setw(20) << "Score 2" << setw(20) << "Score 3" << setw(20) << "Average Score" << endl;

for(int i = 0; i < bowlers.size(); i++)


cout << setw(10) << bowlers[i].getName() << setw(20) << bowlers[i].getScore1() << setw(20) << bowlers[i].getScore2() << setw(20) << bowlers[i].getScore3() << setw(20) << bowlers[i].getAvgScore() << endl;


cout << endl;

return 0;


bool compare2Bowlers(Bowler a, Bowler b)


return a.getAvgScore() < b.getAvgScore();


******************************************************************* SCREENSHOT ********************************************************

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