
In: Computer Science

Please add to this Python, Guess My Number Program. Add code to the program to make...

Please add to this Python, Guess My Number Program. Add code to the program to make it ask the user for his/her name and then greet that user by their name. Please add code comments throughout the rest of the program If possible or where you add in the code to make it ask the name and greet them before the program begins.

import random
def menu():
print("\n\n1. You guess the number\n2. You type a number and see if the computer can guess it\n3. Exit")
while True:
#using try-except for the choice will handle the non-numbers
#if user enters letters, then except will show the message, Numbers only!
c=int(input("Enter your choice: "))
if(c>=1 and c<=3):
return c
print("Enter number between 1 and 3 inclusive.")
#print exception
print("Numbers Only!")
def guessingGame():
#set number of guesses = 0
guessed_numbers = [] # list of guessed numbers
rand=random.randint(min_number, max_number)
#prints the header, welcoming the user
#print("\nWelcome to the Guess My Number Program!")
#While loop, comparing the users guessed number with the random number.
#If it matches, it will say you guessed it.
while (True):
#use try-block
guess=eval(input("Please try to guess my number between 1 and 10:"))
#check if the guess is less than 0, then continye to beginning of the loop
elif (guess==rand):
#increment the guess count by 1
print("You guessed it! It took you {} attempts".format(numGuesses))
# print the guesses numbers list
print('You picked the following numbers: '+str(guessed_numbers))
#break will end the loop once the guess is a match.
#Conditions if the guess is too low or too high to keep guessing
elif(guess < rand):
#increment the guess count by 1
numGuesses = numGuesses +1
print("Too low")
#increment the guess count by 1
numGuesses = numGuesses + 1
print("Too high")
#print exception
print("Numbers only!")
def guessingGameComp():
guessed_numbers = [] # list of guessed numbers
userNumber=int(input("\nPlease enter a number between 1 and 10 for the computer to guess:"))
while userNumber<1 or userNumber>10:
userNumber=int(input("Guess a number between 1 and 10: "))
while True:
compRand = random.randint(1,10)
print("The computer guessed it! It took {} attempts".format(countGuess))
print("The computer guessed the following numbers: "+str(guessed_numbers))
print("The computer guessed {} which is too low".format(compRand))
print("The computer guessed {} which is too high".format(compRand))
def main():
print("Welcome to my Guess the number program!")
while True:
if userChoice==1:
elif userChoice==2:
elif userChoice==3:
print("\nThank you for playing the guess the number game!")
print("Invalid choice!!!")
#call the main function


Expert Solution

# Python Code is modified to discard duplicate guesses by the computer

import random
def menu(): #function for getting the user input on what he wants to do
   print("\n\n1. You guess the number\n2. You type a number and see if the computer can guess it\n3. Exit")
   while True:
   #using try-except for the choice will handle the non-numbers
   #if user enters letters, then except will show the message, Numbers only!
           c=int(input("Enter your choice: "))
           if(c>=1 and c<=3):
               return c
               print("Enter number between 1 and 3 inclusive.")
           #print exception
           print("Numbers Only!")
def guessingGame(): #user guesses the number generated randomly by the computer
   #set number of guesses = 0
   guessed_numbers = [] # list of guessed numbers
   rand=random.randint(min_number, max_number)

   #While loop, comparing the users guessed number with the random number.
   #If it matches, it will say you guessed it.
   while (True):
       #use try-block
           guess=eval(input("Please try to guess my number between 1 and 10:"))
           #check if the guess is less than 0, then continue to beginning of the loop
           elif (guess==rand):
               #increment the guess count by 1
               print("You guessed it! It took you {} attempts".format(numGuesses))
               # print the guesses numbers list
               print('You picked the following numbers: '+str(guessed_numbers))
               #break will end the loop once the guess is a match.
               #Conditions if the guess is too low or too high to keep guessing
           elif(guess < rand):
               #increment the guess count by 1
               numGuesses = numGuesses +1
               print("Too low")
               #increment the guess count by 1
               numGuesses = numGuesses + 1
               print("Too high")
           #print exception
           print("Numbers only!")
# In guessingGameComp function, computer will guess the number entered by the user. I have modified the code so that wherever computer generates same random number again, it will not be taken into account.
# For e.g., if initially computer guessed the number to be 3, and again it tries to guess the number 3.So, this limitation is removed
def guessingGameComp():
   countGuess=0 #initially, number of guess attempts 0.
   guessed_numbers = [] # list of guessed numbers
   #taking input number from user
   userNumber=int(input("\nPlease enter a number between 1 and 10 for the computer to guess:"))
   #execute below loop only when number entered by user is between 0 and 11.
   while userNumber > 0 and userNumber < 11:
       while True:
           countGuess+=1 #counting the attempts by computer
           compRand = random.randint(1,10) #random number guessed by computer
           #if compRand is already guesses, do not count this attempt
           if(compRand in guessed_numbers):
               countGuess = countGuess - 1;
               print("\n Already guessed number: ", compRand) #remove this line of code if you don't want to show already guessed numbers.

           guessed_numbers.append(compRand) #add valid guessed number to guessed_numbers list
           if(userNumber==compRand): #if number guessed by computer is correct, break out of loop.
               print("\nThe computer guessed it! It took {} attempts".format(countGuess))
               print("\nThe computer guessed the following numbers: "+str(guessed_numbers))
           elif(compRand<userNumber):#if number gueesed by computer is less than user input
               print("\nThe computer guessed {} which is too low".format(compRand))
           else: #if number gueesed by computer is higher than user input
               print("\nThe computer guessed {} which is too high".format(compRand))
def main():
   print("Welcome to my Guess the number program!")
   name = input("What's your name: ") #taking name of user as input
   print("Hi ",name,) #greeting user
   while True:
       if userChoice==1:
       elif userChoice==2:
       elif userChoice==3:
           print("\nThanks", name, "for playing the guess the number game!") #greeting user after the game ended.
           print("Invalid choice!!!")
#call the main function

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