
In: Computer Science

Explain the code below in details. void accountInfo() { system("cls"); int ch; printf("1-Total Amount Claimed by...

Explain the code below in details.

void accountInfo()



int ch;

printf("1-Total Amount Claimed by LifeTime Claim Limit subscriber\n");

printf("2-Total number of Annual Claim Limit who have exhausted all their eligible amount\n");

scanf("%d", & ch);

if (ch == 1)


int totalAmountClaimedByLifeTimeSubs = 0;

for (int i = 0; i < patientCount; i++)


if (patients[i].annualClaim == false)


for (int j = 0; j < patientCount; j++)


if (claims[j].id == patients[i].id)


totalAmountClaimedByLifeTimeSubs += claims[j].amountClaimed;





printf("\nTotal amount Claimed By LifeTime Subscribers is: %d\n", totalAmountClaimedByLifeTimeSubs);

} else


int count = 0;

for (int i = 0; i < patientCount; i++)


if (claims[i].remaininigAmount <= 0 && patients[i].annualClaim == true)



printf("Total number of Annual Claim Limit Subcriber who have exhausted all their amount are: %d\n", count);




void searchingFunctionalities()



int ch;

printf("1-Search by ID\n2-Search by age\n");

scanf("%d", & ch);

if (ch == 1)


int id;

printf("Enter patient ID for which you want Search: ");

scanf("%d", & id);

int i;

for (i = 0; i < patientCount; i++)


if (patients[i].id == id)


printf("\nSubscriber Name: %s\nSubscriber Age: %d\nSubscriber Contact: %s\nSubscriber Address: %s\n", patients[i].name, patients[i].age, patients[i].contactNum, patients[i].address);




printf("Subscriber Not Found");

} else


int age;

printf("Enter age for which you want Search: ");

scanf("%d", & age);

for (int i = 0; i < patientCount; i++)


if (patients[i].age == age)


printf("\nSubscriber Name: %s\nSubscriber ID: %d\nSubscriber Contact: %s\nSubscriber Address: %s\n", patients[i].name, patients[i].id, patients[i].contactNum, patients[i].address);






void loadData()


char line[MAX_LENGTH];

const char * delimiter = ",\n";

FILE * fp;

fp = fopen("patients.txt", "r");

char c;

if (fp == NULL)


printf("file not found");



while (fp != NULL)


if (fgets(line, MAX_LENGTH - 1, fp) == NULL)


if (line[1] == '\0')


patients[patientCount].id = atoi(strtok(line, delimiter));

strcpy(patients[patientCount].name, strtok(NULL, delimiter));

patients[patientCount].age = atoi(strtok(NULL, delimiter));

patients[patientCount].annualClaim = strtok(NULL, delimiter);

patients[patientCount].plan = atoi(strtok(NULL, delimiter));

strcpy(patients[patientCount].contactNum, strtok(NULL, delimiter));

strcpy(patients[patientCount].address, strtok(NULL, delimiter));

strcpy(line, "\0");




fp = fopen("claims.txt", "r");

int claimCount = 0;

while (fp != NULL)


if (fgets(line, MAX_LENGTH - 1, fp) == NULL)


if (line == "\n")


claims[claimCount].id = atoi(strtok(line, delimiter));

claims[claimCount].claimedYear = atoi(strtok(NULL, delimiter));

claims[claimCount].amountClaimed = atoi(strtok(NULL, delimiter));

claims[claimCount].remaininigAmount = atoi(strtok(NULL, delimiter));

strcpy(line, "\0");






Expert Solution


Explanation is given in the comment wise.

// prints the account information of the subscribers

void accountInfo() {
system("cls"); // clears the output screen
int ch; // represents the choice
printf("1-Total Amount Claimed by LifeTime Claim Limit subscriber\n");
printf("2-Total number of Annual Claim Limit who have exhausted all their eligible amount\n");
scanf("%d", & ch); // can give input choice
if (ch == 1) // if choice is 1 then below statements executes
int totalAmountClaimedByLifeTimeSubs = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < patientCount; i++) // iterates till reaches all the patient Counts
if (patients[i].annualClaim == false) // if patient fails to claim then below code
// executes for claims array to check the patient claim done on one-on-one basis.
for (int j = 0; j < patientCount; j++) {
if (claims[j].id == patients[i].id) // if the patient has a certain then that will be added to
// total amount claimed by life time
totalAmountClaimedByLifeTimeSubs += claims[j].amountClaimed;
// total amount claimed is printed here.
printf("\nTotal amount Claimed By LifeTime Subscribers is: %d\n", totalAmountClaimedByLifeTimeSubs);
} else // if the choice is other than the 1 then below code executes
int count = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < patientCount; i++) {
if (claims[i].remaininigAmount <= 0 && patients[i].annualClaim == true)
printf("Total number of Annual Claim Limit Subcriber who have exhausted all their amount are: %d\n", count);
// Whenever pause is used then the program waits to be terminated, and halts the exceution of the parent program.
// Only after the pause program is terminated, will the original program continue.

// function describing the searchingFunctionalities in the program
// there are two functionalities given here.
// one by age and other by ID.

void searchingFunctionalities() {
system("cls"); // clears the output screen
int ch; // choice variable can choose either ID by choosing 1 or Age by choosing 2
printf("1-Search by ID\n2-Search by age\n");
scanf("%d", & ch); // enters choice
// if choice is 1 then the search by ID is exceuted
if (ch == 1) {
int id;
printf("Enter patient ID for which you want Search: ");
scanf("%d", & id); // allows you to enter the patient ID.
int i;
for (i = 0; i < patientCount; i++) { // iterates till the number of patients
// iterates for the patients array to check the ID with the ID given.
// if matches prints the contents and then breaks the loop
if (patients[i].id == id) {
printf("\nSubscriber Name: %s\nSubscriber Age: %d\nSubscriber Contact: %s\nSubscriber Address: %s\n", patients[i].name, patients[i].age, patients[i].contactNum, patients[i].address);
printf("Subscriber Not Found");
else { // seach by age is executed.
int age;
printf("Enter age for which you want Search: ");
scanf("%d", & age); // can enter the age
for (int i = 0; i < patientCount; i++) { // iterates till the number of patients
// iterates for the patients array to check the ID with the ID given.
// if matches prints the contents and then breaks the loop
if (patients[i].age == age) {
printf("\nSubscriber Name: %s\nSubscriber ID: %d\nSubscriber Contact: %s\nSubscriber Address: %s\n", patients[i].name, patients[i].id, patients[i].contactNum, patients[i].address);
// Whenever pause is used then the program waits to be terminated, and halts the exceution of the parent program.
// Only after the pause program is terminated, will the original program continue.

// function describing the loading the data
// here loads two files one is patients.txt and other is claims.txt
// the contents from the patients.txt is stored in patients of structure type.
// the contents from the claims.txt is stored in claims of structure type.

void loadData() {
char line[MAX_LENGTH]; // line of character array type of MAX_LENGTH is created.
const char * delimiter = ",\n"; // delimiter is choosen an \n
FILE * fp; // file pointer created
// patients.txt is opened.
fp = fopen("patients.txt", "r");
char c;
// if the patients.txt doesnt exist then return NULL
// prints file not found.
if (fp == NULL) {
printf("file not found");
// if the file is not NULL then contents are read line by line
// using strtok the contents are broken by the delimiter
// atoi is the function converts alpha values to the integer numeric type.
while (fp != NULL) {
if (fgets(line, MAX_LENGTH - 1, fp) == NULL)
break; // till the file reaches the end-pointer this loop is executed.
if (line[1] == '\0')
// the line is broken down using the delimiter and is stored in the
// respective structure members.
patients[patientCount].id = atoi(strtok(line, delimiter));
strcpy(patients[patientCount].name, strtok(NULL, delimiter));
patients[patientCount].age = atoi(strtok(NULL, delimiter));
patients[patientCount].annualClaim = strtok(NULL, delimiter);
patients[patientCount].plan = atoi(strtok(NULL, delimiter));
strcpy(patients[patientCount].contactNum, strtok(NULL, delimiter));
strcpy(patients[patientCount].address, strtok(NULL, delimiter));
strcpy(line, "\0");
patientCount++; // patientCount is maintained.
fclose(fp); // file pointer is closed.
// claims.txt file is opened.
fp = fopen("claims.txt", "r");
int claimCount = 0; // claimCount is initialised to 0.
// if the file is not NULL then contents are read line by line
// using strtok the contents are broken by the delimiter
// atoi is the function converts alpha values to the integer numeric type.
while (fp != NULL) {
if (fgets(line, MAX_LENGTH - 1, fp) == NULL)
if (line == "\n")
claims[claimCount].id = atoi(strtok(line, delimiter));
claims[claimCount].claimedYear = atoi(strtok(NULL, delimiter));
claims[claimCount].amountClaimed = atoi(strtok(NULL, delimiter));
claims[claimCount].remaininigAmount = atoi(strtok(NULL, delimiter));
strcpy(line, "\0");
claimCount++; // claimCount is incremented by 1.
fclose(fp); // file pointer is closed

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