
In: Computer Science

Please explain this code line by line void printperm(int *A,int n,int rem,int j) {    if(n==1)...

Please explain this code line by line

void printperm(int *A,int n,int rem,int j)
       for(int k=0;k<j;k++)
       cout<<A[k]<<" + ";
    for(int i=0;i<=rem;i++)


Expert Solution

/*There int *A is integer type pointer that store the address of array A,

int n int rem or int j are the local variable/parameterized variable */

void printperm(int *A,int n,int rem,int j)
   if(n==1) //check if n is equal to 1 if true then execute if block,
       for(int k=0;k<j;k++) //execute for loop from k = 0 to less then to j,
       cout<<A[k]<<" + ";  //print the array value with + symbol,
       cout<<rem<<"\n"; //print rem value with new line,

    for(int i=0;i<=rem;i++) // execute for loop from I = 0 to less then rem value,
         if(i<=rem) //execute if block till when i is less then rem,
         A[j]=i; //assign i value to array jth index,
         printperm(A,n-1,rem-i,j+1); //here function is calling to itself, this is knowing as recurrsive function,

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