
In: Operations Management

Q4 Explain how leadership can be seen as a special case of social influence. [2 Marks]


Explain how leadership can be seen as a special case of social influence. [2 Marks]


Expert Solution

There can also be no leadership with out impact, considering influencing is how leaders lead. Of their traditional guide on management, Leaders: methods for Taking cost, Warren Bennis and Burt Nanus echo this factor: "there is a profound difference between administration and management," they wrote, "and each are most important. 'To control' way 'to bring about, to achieve, to have cost of or responsibility for, to conduct.' 'main' is 'influencing, guiding in direction, course, motion, opinion.'" They add that "an primary component in management is the capacity to have an effect on."
Managers additionally use have an effect on, of direction, considering the fact that simplest a fraction of managerial work can simply be accomplished by way of manipulate and the use of authority. The aim of both managers and leaders is to achieve an group's pursuits. Managers do it by means of plans, organization, processes, mission assignments, measurements, and many others, however they have to additionally direct people and control their performance, and you are not able to manipulate folks exclusively by way of command-and-manipulate methods. Folks are human beings, no longer machines, mechanical parts, or assembly traces. They reply excellent when they're treated like human beings, they work satisfactory when they've a voice in how the work is finished, and so they stay loyal and engaged once they suppose revered, trusted, well informed, and cared for. That is why the first-class managers additionally lead, and so they lead through the social and emotional strategies to influencing, now not simply the rational techniques.
Leaders lead via mobilizing people around a compelling vision of the future, by inspiring them to comply with in the chief's footsteps. They exhibit people what's viable and encourage them to make these potentialities real. They energize and focus folks in approaches that fulfill their desires, supply them a sense of purpose, and leave them with a profound experience of achievement when the work is completed. Leaders lead via modeling methods of pondering or acting and with the aid of encouraging new approaches of watching at instances, and via so doing they provide humans the words and the courage to make these new methods their own. The excellent leaders are teachers, mentors, and function models--they usually accomplish the vast majority of their work via have an effect on, now not authority.
In lots of circumstances, leaders and bosses are one in the same. The division vice chairman who leads a workforce of persons to accomplish what they would not have thought viable can also be a manager. The manager who oversees a staff's assignment performance but also looks after the staff individuals' profession planning and coaches them on developing their talents is also a chief. The art of administration and management is to grasp when to act as a supervisor and when to act as a chief, when to use authority and when to make use of affect, when to ask and when to inform, when to take over and when to let go. In each case, it's primary for leaders and managers to understand the range of influence procedures they may be able to use, understand when and find out how to use them, build their vigor bases so that they've the potential to be influential, and sharpen their capabilities in order that they may be able to influence humans with ease.

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