This year, three scientists won the Nobel Prize in Physics. Give
a brief summary of their...
This year, three scientists won the Nobel Prize in Physics. Give
a brief summary of their research and provide examples of common
applications of their work.
Expert Solution
1. James Peebles : “for theoretical discoveries
in physical cosmology
2”.. Michel Mayor : “for the discovery of an
exoplanet orbiting a solar-type star”.
3. Didier Queloz : “for the discovery of an
exoplanet orbiting a solar-type star”.
The Nobel Prize for physics was given to Niels Bohr in 1922 for
developing a model of the hydrogen atom. Which of the following is
not true of the Bohr model?
a) Bohr assumed that the electron in the hydrogen atom moved in
circular orbits.
b) The energy levels calculated with the equations from the Bohr
model, closely agreed with the experimental hydrogen emission
c) The Bohr model has been shown to accurately predict the
energy levels of all...
Millikan received the 1923 Nobel Prize in Physics for the oil
drop experiment that was completed in 1910 about 100 years ago when
knowledge of the atomic structure was not clear.
(a) what were the two main conclusions of the experiment that
were worthy of a Nobel Prize?
(b) It has been reported that Millikan “cherry-picked” his
experimental data. What are your thoughts on his treatment of the
data – did he commit scientific misconduct?
(c) Why was oil used...
One page ( on Word, 400 words) summary of the Nobel Prize in
Physiology or Medicine at 2012
Please dont send in a hand-written picture.. they are hard to
Complete these problems with steps:
1. Your mother just won $250,000 for splitting a Nobel Prize
equally with three other co-workers. If she invests her prize money
in a diversified equity portfolio returning 8 percent per year,
approximately how long will it take her to become a millionaire,
before accounting for taxes?
2. Jill received a 30,000 inheritance. She wants to save up for
a down payment for her first home to be purchased 8 years from now.
If she...
When a Paul Samuelson (Nobel Prize winning economist) switched
from physics to economics, Robert Solow is said to have remarked
that the average IQ in both disciplines went up. How can the
average IQ levels in both economics and physics increase when one
person switches disciplines? Provide a numerical example to explain
your answer.
27. Which three of the researchers listed below received the
Nobel Prize for discoveries related
double helix DNA structures:
a. Francis Crick, James Watson and Rosalind Franklin
b. James Watson, Rosalind Franklin, and Maurice Wilkins
c. Maurice Wilkins, Rosalind Franklin and Francis Crick
d. James Watson, Francis Crick, and Maurice Wilkins
28. Each nucleotide of a DNA molecule consists of:
a. Phosphate groups, pentose sugar and heterocyclic nitrogen
b. Phosphate groups, hexose sugars and heterocyclic nitrogen
c. Phosphate...
Give a brief written summary that includes the basic design and
function of a detoxifying or ionizing footbath, typical procedures
for how it is used, marketing claim(s), and an example of
peudoscience babble (scientific language that is poorly organized,
organized for coufusion, or just plain wrong) in the form of an
exact quote.