In: Physics
Summarize Thermodynamics and everything you need to know/ important in a brief summary. (For physics)
Thermodynamics is a branch of science in which we study about Interaction of heat and work with system to surrounding.
System is defined as confined space where our study is focused.
Surrounding: It is the nearby and all space around the system is known as surrounding.
Universe = System + Surrounding.
State: A state of system where all properties are fixed .
Process: Change of State in a system is known as thermodynamics process.
There are Some laws related to thermodynamics , we must know to understand the purpose of subject>
(i) Zeroth law : When a body A is in thermal equilibrium with body B, and body B is also in thermal equilibrium with body C , Body A and C will be in thermal equilbrium with each other.
It is BAsis of temperature measurement,
(ii) First Law of Thermodynamics: it is accepted as general law of nature and most commonly known as conservation of energy.
Heat Engines: It is a work producing device working on kelvin planck statement of second law of thermodynamics, in which heat is converted into work.
Second law of thermodyanmics : It has two statements,
(i) Kelvin planck: Heat will be transferred only between source at higher temperature to lower temperature sink naturally.
(ii) Classius statement: Heat from lower temperature will be transferred to higher temperature surrounding only when external aid (work ) is given.
Machine work classius statement is known as Heat pump and refrigerator.