
In: Chemistry

Give a brief written summary that includes the basic design and function of a detoxifying or...

Give a brief written summary that includes the basic design and function of a detoxifying or ionizing footbath, typical procedures for how it is used, marketing claim(s), and an example of peudoscience babble (scientific language that is poorly organized, organized for coufusion, or just plain wrong) in the form of an exact quote.


Expert Solution

Basic design:-Ionizing footbath is made up of a container having warm water and epsom salt dissolved in it.This container also contain two spoons that are connected to electricity through wire.

Procdure:-Deep your foot into the warm water that is having two spoon of epsom salt(hydrated magnisum sulphate) for an hours.

Function:-All this is happening because of osmosis,due to flow of water ions and epsom salt in the presence of electricity.Positive and negative ions attach themselves to the toxins present in the body because of this our body cells will release oils ,acids,fat,heavy metals and other waste through our foot.

Market claim:-No clinical test,trial or proof is available.It is also claimed that it make our immune system strong and it also relieve pain.It can match the water colour from the chart that will clearfy which type of impurity is present in water after footbath.

Peudoscience babble is logical factual information but there is no scientific proof of it e.g.astrology,psychoanalysis.

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