
In: Computer Science

Please code in C language. Server program: The server program provides a search to check for...

Please code in C language.

Server program:

The server program provides a search to check for a specific value in an integer array. The client writes a struct containing 3 elements: an integer value to search for, the size of an integer array which is 10 or less, and an integer array to the server through a FIFO. The server reads the struct from the FIFO and checks the array for the search value. If the search value appears in the array, the server indicates the index of the first occurrence of that value in the array. The server writes back to the client a struct that contains the search value and its array position. If the value does not occur in the array, the search value and an appropriate return code are returned to the client. (An appropriate return code for not finding the search value could be -1)

The server program needs to:

  • Create a well-known FIFO, named FIFO_to_Server through which the server reads a struct from the client
  • Open FIFO_to_Server in READ mode
  • Read a request from a client that includes a struct containing a search value, the size of the integer array and the array itself, all integers.
  • Find the index (start counting with zero) of the search value, if one exists
  • Create a FIFO named FIFO_to_Client through which the server responds to the client
  • Open FIFO_to_Client in WRITE mode
  • Write the search value and the index position back to the client through FIFO_to_Client
  • Close FIFO_to_Client
  • Unlink FIFO_to_Client
  • Close FIFO_to_Server
  • Unlink FIFO_to_Server

Client Program:

The client program requests an integer value to search for,  an array size and array elements to fill the array. The client program should:

  • Open FIFO_to_Server in WRITE mode
  • Prompt the user for a search value
  • Prompt the user for an array size
  • Prompt the user for elements to fill that array
  • Write the struct that includes the search value, the array size and the array to FIFO_to_Server
  • Close FIFO_to_Server *
  • Open the FIFO_to_Client in READ mode
  • Read the response from the server from FIFO_to_Client
  • Print a message such as “The value 87 occurs in array position 4”
  • Close FIFO_to Client


Expert Solution


Note: In this program we use java programming language so the struct in c++ is act as a class in java.


1. Create ServerSocket object in server file.

2. By using ServerSocket object call accept() method.

3. Create Socket object in client file.

4. Create scanner object for get input from user.

5.Create DataOutputStream and DataInputStream objects.

6. Get serach value, array size and array elements from user.

7. Send that information to server by using DataOutputStream object.

8. Receive data on server using DataInputStream object.

9. Search element in the given array if it is found then send index if array and if it is not present send -1 to the client using DataOutputStream object.

10. Get the sed data from server at client side and display respected output.


import java.util.*;

class FIFO_to_Server
   public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException {
       int arrFromClient[];
       int i,ch,size,index=-1;

ServerSocket welcomeSocket = new ServerSocket(6786);
System.out.println("Server started");
System.out.println("Waiting for a client ...");
Socket connectionSocket = welcomeSocket.accept();
System.out.println("Client accepted");
DataInputStream inFromClient = new DataInputStream(connectionSocket.getInputStream());
DataOutputStream outToClient = new DataOutputStream(connectionSocket.getOutputStream());
arrFromClient=new int[size];
arrFromClient[i] = inFromClient.readInt();
for(i=0; i< arrFromClient.length; i++)





import java.util.*;
class FIFO_to_Client
   public static void main(String[] args) throws IOException{
   int arr[];
   int ch;
   int size,index;
Scanner sc= new Scanner(;
try (Socket clientSocket = new Socket("localhost",6786)) {
DataOutputStream outToServer = new DataOutputStream(clientSocket.getOutputStream());
DataInputStream inFromServer = new DataInputStream(clientSocket.getInputStream());
System.out.println("Enter the search value:");
System.out.println("Enter the size of Array:");
arr=new int[size];
System.out.println("Enter the Array elements:");
for(int i=0;i<size;i++)


for(int i=0;i<size;i++)

   System.out.println("The search value "+ch+" is not found in array");
   System.out.println("The value "+ch+" is occurs in array position "+index);




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