
In: Computer Science

[C++ Language] Look at the following pseudo code: Binary_search(int a[], int size) { ……….// binary search...

  1. [C++ Language] Look at the following pseudo code:

Binary_search(int a[], int size)


……….// binary search and return


Selection_Sort(int a[], int z)


…..// do the selection sort




    Selection_Sort(array, size);

    Binary_Search(array, item);



Expert Solution

#include <iostream>
using namespace std;
void Selection_Sort(int a[], int z)
int i,j,min_pos,temp;
for (i=0;i<z-1;i++)
//find the minimum element of next unsorted array   
for (j=i+1;j<z;j++)
if (a[j]<a[min_pos]) //if it is minimum take position
//swap the found minimum element with the first element

int Binary_Search(int a[],int item,int size)
int mid,l,r;
while (l<=r) {
//check if the middle value is our element
return mid;
//If x greater than mid check in right half
if (a[mid]<item)
//If x is smaller than mid check in left half
return -1;//if the element is not present
int main()
int a[]={5,7,1,4,9,10,3};
int pos=Binary_Search(a,5,7);
cout<<"The element found at "<<pos;
cout<<"The element is not found";
return 0;

The Binary search function shold pass the size of array to function because it is not possible to calculate the size inside a function other than main.

comment if any doubts

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