
In: Computer Science

C++ make a rational class that includes these members for rational -private member variables to hold...

C++ make a rational class that includes these members for rational
-private member variables to hold the numerator and denominator values
-a default constructor
-an overloaded constructor that accepts 2 values for an initial fraction
-member fractions add(), sub(), mul(), div(), less(), eq(), and neq() (less should not return true if the object is less than argument)
-a member function that accepts an argument of type of ostream that writes the fraction to that open output stream

do not let numerator or denominator value be negative


Expert Solution

//C++ Code

using namespace std;

class Rational {
   int num, den;
   void simplify()
       //reduced to simplest form
       for (int i = this->den * this->num; i > 1; i--) {
           if ((this->den % i == 0) && (this->num % i == 0)) {
               this->den /= i;
               this->num /= i;


   //defaulat constructor
   //overlaod constructor
   Rational(int n, int d);
   //member functions
   Rational& add(const Rational other);
   Rational& mul(const Rational other);
   Rational& div(const Rational other);
   Rational& sub(const Rational other);
   bool less(const Rational other);
   bool eq(const Rational other);
   bool neq(const Rational other);

   //overload ostream
   friend ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const Rational& other);



//defaulat constructor
   num = 0;
   den = 1;
//overlaod constructor
Rational::Rational(int n, int d)
   if (d < 0)
       d = d * -1;
       n = n * -1;
   num = n;
   den = d;
//member functions
Rational& Rational::add(const Rational other)
   Rational temp;
   temp.num = num * other.den + other.num * den;
   temp.den = den * other.den;
   temp.simplify(); //calling the helper function to reduce the fraction
   return temp;
Rational& Rational::mul(const Rational other)
   Rational temp; //creating a temporary object
   temp.num = num * other.num;
   temp.den = den * other.den;
   temp.simplify(); //calling the helper function to reduce the fraction
   return temp;
Rational& Rational::div(const Rational other)
   Rational temp; //creating a temporary object
   temp.num = num * other.den;
   temp.den = den * other.num;
   temp.simplify(); //calling the helper function to reduce the fraction
   return temp;
Rational& Rational::sub(const Rational other)
   Rational temp;
   temp.num = num * other.den - other.num * den;
   temp.den = den * other.den;
   temp.simplify(); //calling the helper function to reduce the fraction
   return temp;
bool Rational::less(const Rational other)
   return num * other.den < other.num * den;
bool Rational::eq(const Rational other)
   return num * other.den == other.num * den;
bool Rational::neq(const Rational other)
   return num * other.den != other.num * den;

//overload ostream
ostream& operator<<(ostream& out, const Rational& other)
   out << other.num << "/" << other.den;
   return out;

int main()
   //Create objects
   Rational r1(3, 4), r2(7, 5);
   Rational addR = r1.add(r2);
   cout << r1 << " + " << r2 << " = " << addR << endl;
   Rational subR = r1.sub(r2);
   cout << r1 << " - " << r2 << " = " << subR << endl;

   Rational mulR = r1.mul(r2);
   cout << r1 << " * " << r2 << " = " << mulR << endl;

   Rational divR = r1.div(r2);
   cout << r1 << " / " << r2 << " = " << divR << endl;

   cout << r1 << " == " << r2 << (r1.eq(r2)?" true":" false") << endl;
   cout << r1 << " < " << r2 << (r1.less(r2) ? " true" : " false") << endl;
   cout << r1 << " != " << r2 << (r1.neq(r2) ? " true" : " false") << endl;
   return 0;


//If you need any help regarding this solution...... please leave a comment...... thanks

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