
In: Computer Science

Loading Pandas DataFrames and Creating Multiple Plots and Subplots x1 y1 y1_pred x2 y2 y2_pred x3...

Loading Pandas DataFrames and Creating Multiple Plots and Subplots
    x1     y1    y1_pred  x2    y2    y2_pred  x3     y3   y3_pred  x4     y4  y4_pred 
0   10   8.04   8.001000  10  9.14   8.000909  10   7.46  7.999727   8   6.58  7.001 
1    8   6.95   7.000818   8  8.14   7.000909   8   6.77  7.000273   8   5.76  7.001 
2   13   7.58   9.501273  13  8.74   9.500909  13  12.74  9.498909   8   7.71  7.001 
3    9   8.81   7.500909   9  8.77   7.500909   9   7.11  7.500000   8   8.84  7.001 
4   11   8.33   8.501091  11  9.26   8.500909  11   7.81  8.499455   8   8.47  7.001 
5   14   9.96  10.001364  14  8.10  10.000909  14   8.84  9.998636   8   7.04  7.001 
6    6   7.24   6.000636   6  6.13   6.000909   6   6.08  6.000818   8   5.25  7.001 
7    4   4.26   5.000455   4  3.10   5.000909   4   5.39  5.001364  19  12.50  12.500 
8   12  10.84   9.001182  12  9.13   9.000909  12   8.15  8.999182   8   5.56  7.001 
9    7   4.82   6.500727   7  7.26   6.500909   7   6.42  6.500545   8   7.91  7.001 
10   5   5.68   5.500545   5  4.74   5.500909   5   5.73  5.501091   8   6.89  7.001


1 Calculate min and max for axis base of data in dataframe

2. Create a single plot of four scatter diagrams

3. Create a new visualization that combines the four previous plots in to one large plot with four subplots


Expert Solution

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I guess you have loaded the dataset using pd.read_csv.

I will show you python codes for the following 3 questions. As the dataset cannot be copied, I wont be able to show the outputs, but the code will work once you load the dataset correctly.

1. We have 2 axis that are axis 1 and 0. Now, if the dataframe is stored in df, we can use min and max functions of pandas.

minVarX = df.min(axis=0)

This finds minimum horizontally

minVarY = df.min(axis=0)

This finds minimum vertically.

maxVarX = df.min(axis=0)

This finds maximum horizontally

maxVarY = df.min(axis=0)

This finds maximum vertically.

2. Now, we have to find scatter plots in the same diagram.

I will use matplotlib for this questions. :-

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

fig, axs = plt.subplots(2,2)

axs[0, 0].scatter(x1, y1)
axs[0, 1].scatter(x2, y2)
axs[1, 0].scatter(x3, y3)
axs[1, 1].scatter(x4, y4)

3. Now we will create a master scatter plot with all datasets but of diferent colors :-

import matplotlib.pyplot as plt

fig, axs = plt.subplots(2,2)

plt.scatter(x1,y1, color='r')

plt.scatter(x2,y2, color='g')

plt.scatter(x3,y3, color='b')

plt.scatter(x4,y4, color='y')

If you face any problem, please revert back. I will solve it ASAP.

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