
In: Computer Science

# List the two private member variables (including name and functionality) in the node class. #Write...

# List the two private member variables (including name and functionality) in the node class.

#Write a general pattern for a loop statement that traverses all the nodes of a linked list


Expert Solution

Node Class:

class Node:
   def __init__(self, init_data, init_next=None):
       # Initializing two private data members
       self.__data = init_data
       self.__next = init_next

   # Getter and Setter Methods
   def get_data(self):
       return self.__data

   def get_next(self):
       return self.__next
   def set_data(self, new_data):
       self.__data = new_data
   def set_next(self, new_next):
       self.__next = new_next
   def __str__(self):
       return str(self.__data)
   # Adding a node to list
   def add_after(self, value):
       new_node = Node(value,self.__next )
       self.__next = new_node
   # Removes a node from list
   def remove_after(self):
       self.__next = self.__next.get_next()


# General pattern for a loop statement that traverses all the nodes of a linked list
for node in self.nodes:
   # Printing current node data

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