
In: Computer Science

C++ Define a base class called Person. The class should have two data members to hold...


Define a base class called Person. The class should have two data members
to hold the first name and last name of a person, both of type string. The
Person class will have a default constructor to initialize both data members
to empty strings, a constructor to accept two string parameters and use them
to initialize the first and last name, and a copy constructor. Also include
appropriate accessor and mutator member functions. Overload the operators ==
and != such that two objects of class Person are considered equal if and only
if both first and last names are equal. Also overload operators >>, <<, and =.
Define a class called Doctor derived from the Person class. The class
should have a data member to hold the doctor's hourly rate (of type double), a
default constructor to initialize the rate to 0, and a constructor that takes
a double and a reference to an object of type Person and initializes the data
members to their appropriate values. Also include an accessor and mutator
member functions for the doctor's hourly rate. In Doctor class, redefine the
operator = such that it not only copies the first and last name, but also
copies the hourly rate.
Define another class called Patient derived from the Person class. This
class should have a data member to hold the patient's primary physician (of
class Doctor). Include a default constructor that would call the default
constructors of class Doctor and Person to initialize the object; also include
a constructor that accepts a reference to an object of class Doctor and Person
and initializes the Patient object's data members to their respective values.
Add accessor and mutator member functions to access or set the primary
Finally, define a class called Billing that would hold information about
medical bills. This class should have the following data members: an object of
type Doctor to hold the doctor to whom the money is paid, an object of type
Patient to hold the patient who pays the money, and a variable of type double
to hold the amount due. The Billing class will have a default constructor that
initializes amount due to 0.0 and calls the default constructors for Patient
and Doctor objects and a constructor that accepts references to Doctor and
Patient objects and the amount of hours (type int). The latter constructor
will calculate the amount due in the following fashion:

* if the doctor involved in the bill is the patient's primary physician,
then the amount due is hours multiplied by the doctor's hourly rate;

* if the doctor involved is not the patient's primary physician, then
the amount due is hours times doctor's hourly rate times 1.25.

Write a main function that would prompt the user to enter the patient's
name, their primary physician's name and rate, another doctor's name and rate,
and the amount of hours spent in the doctor's office. Then the program will
calculate and output the amount patient owes for doctor's services.

Note: two doctors are considered the same if and only if their names match
(i.e. you can assume no doctors with the same name and different rates exist).

SAMPLE RUN Interactive Session:

Enter:John Smith
 the patient's name: Enter:David Merrow 125.0
 primary physician's name and their rate: Enter:David Merrow 125.0
 a doctor's name and their hourly rate: Enter:2
 amount of hours: You owe: 250 dollars.

SAMPLE RUN Standart Input:

Max Hatfield
Gregory Beller 140.0
Sam Brubeck 100.0

SAMPLE RUN Standart Output:

Enter: the patient's name: Enter: primary physician's name and their rate: Enter: a doctor's name and their hourly rate: Enter: amount of hours: You owe: 125 dollars.


Expert Solution



Define a base class called Person. The class should have two data members
to hold the first name and last name of a person, both of type string. The
Person class will have a default constructor to initialize both data members
to empty strings, a constructor to accept two string parameters and use them
to initialize the first and last name, and a copy constructor. Also include
appropriate accessor and mutator member functions.


#include <iostream>
#include <string>

using namespace std;

class Person {
       Person(string f, string l);
       Person(const Person& p);
       string getFirst() const;
       string getLast() const;
       void setFirst(string f);
       void setLast(string l);
       bool operator ==(Person& p) const;
       bool operator !=(Person& p) const;
       string first;
       string last;

Person::Person() : first(""), last("") {}

Person::Person(string f, string l) : first(f), last(l) {}

Person::Person(const Person& p) {
   first = p.first;
   last = p.last;

string Person::getFirst() const {
   return first;

string Person::getLast() const {
   return last;

void Person::setFirst(string f) {
   first = f;

void Person::setLast(string l) {
   last = l;

bool Person::operator ==(Person& p) const {
   return this->getFirst() == p.getFirst() && this->getLast() == p.getLast();

bool Person::operator != (Person& p) const {
   return this->getFirst() != p.getFirst() || this->getLast() != p.getLast();

class Doctor : public Person {
       Doctor(string f, string l,double r);
       double getRate() const;
       void setRate(double r);
       void operator = (const Doctor& d);
       double rate;

Doctor::Doctor() : Person(), rate(0) {}

Doctor::Doctor(string f, string l,double r) : Person(f,l), rate(r) {}

double Doctor::getRate() const {
   return rate;

void Doctor::setRate(double r) {
   rate = r;

void Doctor::operator = (const Doctor& d) {
       rate = d.rate;

class Patient : public Person {
       Patient(string f, string l, Doctor* d);
       Doctor* getDoctor() const;
       void setDoctor(Doctor* d);
       Doctor* doctor;

Patient::Patient() : Person(), doctor(new Doctor) {}

Patient::Patient(string f, string l, Doctor* d) : Person(f, l), doctor(d) {}

Doctor* Patient::getDoctor() const {
   return doctor;

void Patient::setDoctor(Doctor* d) {
   doctor = d;

class Billing {
       Billing(Doctor* d, Patient* p, int h);
       double getBill() const;
       Doctor* doctor;
       Patient* patient;
       double amount;

Billing::Billing() : doctor(new Doctor), patient(new Patient), amount(0) {}

Billing::Billing(Doctor* d, Patient* p, int h) : doctor(d), patient(p) {
   if(doctor == p->getDoctor()) {
       amount = h * double(doctor->getRate());
   } else {
       amount = h * double(doctor->getRate()) * 1.25;

double Billing::getBill() const {
   return amount;

int main()
   double r, total;
   int h;
   string pf,pl,df,dl;
   cout << "Enter:";
   cin >> pf >> pl;
   cout << " the patient's name: Enter:";
   cin >> df >> dl >> r;
   Doctor primary(df,dl,r);
   Patient patient(pf,pl,&primary);
   cout << " primary physician's name and their rate: Enter:";  
   cin >> df >> dl >> r;
   Doctor doctor(df,dl,r);
   cout << " a doctor's name and their hourly rate: Enter:";
   cin >> h;
   Billing billPrimary(&primary, &patient, h);
   if(doctor == primary){
       cout << billPrimary.getBill() << endl;
       total = billPrimary.getBill() * 2;      
       cout << total << endl;
   } else {
       Billing billDoctor(&doctor, &patient, h);
       total = billPrimary.getBill() + billDoctor.getBill();
   cout << " amount of hours: You owe: " << total << " dollars.\n";
   return 0;


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