
In: Computer Science

Create a C# Application. Create a class object called “Employee” which includes the following private variables:...

Create a C# Application. Create a class object called “Employee” which includes the following private variables:

wage: holds how much the person makes per hour
weekHrsWkd: holds how many total hours the person worked each week
regHrsAmt: initialize to a fixed amount of 40 using constructor.

After going over the regular hours, the employee gets 1.5x the wage for each additional hour worked. Methods:
CalcPay(): Calculate the regular pay and overtime pay.

Create an “EmployeeDemo” class. In the main function, the program should ask the user the number of employee in the company and create a 2-dimensional dynamic array (number of employee by 4 weeks). Then, the program should ask user to enter each employee’s information and the amount of hours they worked weekly.

The program shows a menu with employee name for user to choose which employee to display the following information:
How much the person totally made
How much of paycheck is regular pay
How much of paycheck is overtime pay


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using System;

//Define the class Employee()

class Employee


    //Declare the

    //required private variables.

    private string firstN;

    private string lastN;

    private int idNum;

    private double wage;

    private double weekHrsWkd;

    private double regHrsAmt;

    private double regPay;

    private double otPay;

    //Define the constructor.

    public Employee(string fname = "", string lname = "",

     int id = -1, double sal = 0, double hrs = 0)


        firstN = fname;

        lastN = lname;

        idNum = id;

        wage = sal;

        weekHrsWkd = hrs;

        regHrsAmt = 40;

        regPay = 0;

        otPay = 0;



    //Define the required properties.

    public int ID




            return idNum;




    public string Name




            return lastN + ", " + firstN;



    public double RegPay




            return regPay;



    public double OTPay




            return otPay;



    //Define the method CalcPay().

    public void CalcPay()


        //Declare the

        //required variables.

        double othrs, reghrs;


        //If the employee has

        //worked more than the Regular

        //Hours, calculate

        //the overtime hours.

        if(weekHrsWkd > regHrsAmt)


            reghrs = regHrsAmt;

            othrs = weekHrsWkd - regHrsAmt;


        //Otherwise, set the

        //overtime hours to zero.



            othrs = 0;

            reghrs = weekHrsWkd;


        //Calculate the

        //regular and overtime pay.

        regPay = wage * reghrs;

        otPay = 1.5 * wage * othrs;



//Define the class EmployeeDemo.

class EmployeeDemo {

    //Define the Main() method.

    public static void Main (string[] args)


        //Define a 2-D array to

        //store the employees' data.

        Employee [,] employees;


        //Declare a variable to

        //store the required variables.

        int numEmp;


        //Prompt the user to enter

        //the number of employees.

        Console.Write("Enter the number of employees: ");


        //Read and store the input.

        numEmp = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());

        //Allocate memory to the 2-D array.

        employees = new Employee[numEmp, 4];

        //Prompt the user to enter

        //the details of the employees.

        Console.WriteLine("Enter the details of the employees:");

        for(int i=0; i<numEmp; i++)


            string fname;

            string lname;

            int id;

            double sal;

            double hrs;

            Console.WriteLine("Employee {0}:", (i+1));

            Console.Write("Enter the first name: ");

            fname = Console.ReadLine();

            Console.Write("Enter the last name: ");

            lname = Console.ReadLine();

            Console.Write("Enter the id of the employee: ");

            id = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine());

            Console.Write("Enter the hourly pay: ");

            sal = Convert.ToDouble(Console.ReadLine());

            for(int j=0; j<4; j++)


                Console.Write("Enter the hours for week {0}: ", j+1);

                hrs = Convert.ToDouble(Console.ReadLine());

                employees[i, j] = new Employee(fname, lname, id, sal, hrs);



        Console.WriteLine("Choose one of the following employees: ");

        for(int i=0; i<numEmp; i++)


            Console.WriteLine("{0}. "+employees[i,0].Name, i+1);


        Console.Write("Enter the choice (1 - {0}): ", numEmp);

        int choice = Convert.ToInt32(Console.ReadLine()) - 1;

        if(choice >= 0 && choice < numEmp)


            double ot = 0;

            double reg = 0;

            double total = 0;

            for(int i = 0; i<4; i++)


                reg += employees[choice, i].RegPay;

                ot += employees[choice, i].OTPay;


            total = reg + ot;

            Console.WriteLine("The details of the selected employee are as follows:");

            Console.WriteLine("Total Pay: ${0}", total);

            Console.WriteLine("Regular Pay: ${0}", reg);

            Console.WriteLine("Overtime Pay: ${0}", ot);




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