
In: Economics

Which of the following is an example of the ad hominem fallacy?

Which of the following is an example of the ad hominem fallacy?


John assures his wife that it’s ethically acceptable for him to cheat on her because history is filled with spouses cheating on each other; it’s “natural,” says John


Paul lost his job one month after President Obama was sworn into office. He concludes, therefore, that President Obama's policies caused his job loss


George rejects Elvis's argument that America is a good country to live in; George reasons that Elvis's argument about America must be wrong because Elvis is an American and, thus, is biased


Ringo can find his luggage at the airport more easily by painting each piece of his luggage fluorescent green. He concludes, therefore, that everyone would have an easier time finding their luggage at airports if everyone painted their luggage fluorescent green

Which of the following is implied by the fact that individuals make choices?


That each choice necessarily is made at the margin


That each choice necessarily entails – that is, has associated with it – a cost


That each choice is either objectively right or wrong


That each choice is made only to increase the chooser’s monetary wealth


Expert Solution

Q24) The answer is (c) Ad hominem fallacy refers to a situation when a perosn instead of addressing an argument, attacks the person or some aspect of the person making the argument. This is what is happening in (c) as George ir unnecessarily attcking the fact that Elvis is American instead of addressing the argument.

Q25) The answer is (b) Since individual makes chocies, there is always something they can not choose and thus there is an opportunity cost of individuals making choices.

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