In: Statistics and Probability
1- What is the Probability Density Functions and give example?
2- what is the types of Invertible Probability Distributions such as (uniform, trinagular, exponetial....) and give example for each?
1.The Probability Density Functions gives the probability associated with an interval of values say (a,b)
P ( a < X < b ) .
This probability is the area under the curve of Probability
Density Function ( PDF ) from a to b . So probabilities can be
evaluated by integrating the PDF of the random variable . P ( a
< X < b ) = F(X)
EXAMPLE : P ( 0< X < 1 ), and F(X) = X2
2. Invertible Probability Distribution
When the variable X varies uniformly between (a,b), then the reciprocal variable Y = 1 / X has the reciprocal distribution which takes values in the range (b−1 ,a−1) and the function is G(1/X) = (b - Y−1)/(b-a).
When the variable X varies between (a,b) lower limit a, upper limit b and mode c, where a < b and a ≤ c ≤ b. Such a distribution is called as the Triangular Probability Distribution.
Example : a=0, b=3 , c=5 , F(X) = X4
If X is an exponentially distributed random variable with rate
parameter . then Y=1/X has
the following cumulative distribution function F(Y)=
/Y for y
Example: =1, Y =
X F(Y)= e-1/X